AvengingAngel67 Publish time 26-11-2019 04:58:55

Yeah Rorifett. That's how I was converted. My mate bought me a bottle in return for the occasional lift to hospital. VERY pleasantly surprised by the taste. Loads of Merlot gathering dust 'cos of my regained love affair with Rum and Cola!


The_Prof Publish time 26-11-2019 04:58:55

This is a great Thread and a great read with some excellent advice.

Been drinking Morgans Spiced with Coke as my only spirit drink. Can't get on with Whisky or Vodka or Jack, etc.

Definitely going to make my way through some of the suggestions on here.

Good days (and nights) ahead, and rough mornings!


Caskey Publish time 26-11-2019 04:58:55

Can't beat a nice glass of Kraken and coke.Quite enjoying Bacardi Oakheart at the moment too.But for the ultimate drink of drinks for me just now are White Russians. Asda are doing Kahlua for £12 at the moment too.

The_Prof Publish time 26-11-2019 04:58:55

Just opened my first bottle of Kraken. Picked it up earlier so having a glass with coke. Long day at work and can feel a cold coming, well that's my excuse and i'm sticking to it. 

Think on tasting it, definately got a better flavour to it than Morgans Spiced. Comes in that funky looking bottle as well. Was almost tempted to grab the Angostura 1919, think that's what it's called but will maybe hold off on that until i've given the Kraken a thorough taste testing. 

aVdub Publish time 26-11-2019 04:58:56

Nearly bought some Kraken yesterday,but was tempted by Sailer, Mount and Spiced being priced at £16 in ASDA.
Ended up with another large bottle of Spiced 

KyleS1 Publish time 26-11-2019 04:58:56

How does Kraken compare to Morgans tastewise?
I love morgans, but heard Kraken is more of an acquired taste.

Angostura 1919 is lovely. It is the only rum I have ever drunk neat (with ice).

prezzy Publish time 26-11-2019 04:58:56

Thanks for the Rumbullion suggestion - just got a bottle of the normal strength and a sample of the navy strength.

Lovely stuff, normally drink Sailor Jerry's and Mount Gay will be adding the Rumbullion to my line up

The_Prof Publish time 26-11-2019 04:58:56

Well that's the bottle of Kraken finished. Not sure I want to move on to the Angostura now as I enjoyed the Kraken so much.

Taste wise there is just something about it.

I'll probably go into Sainsburys with the intention of getting a bottle of Angostura and come out with another Kraken. :lol:

beemer Publish time 26-11-2019 04:58:56

I finished my bottle of SJ's last night so have been looking for something to move on to, going to go for a bottle of Kraken i think.

Janomin Publish time 26-11-2019 04:58:57

Got given some Ron Zacapa 23 as a birthday present, really looking forward to trying it and I have a feeling it wont be lasting long!
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