KyleS1 Publish time 26-11-2019 04:58:40

Thanks chaps.
I've not had any spiced rum, so might take a trip to the local pub to try some before purchasing a whole bottle.

I know it is probably a cardinal sin, but I am much more a alcohol   mixer drinker, than drinking it straight. Not really found any I particularly like straight. I just don't find it that enjoyable, especially whiskey. Tastes like I am drinking paint stripper or something! 
I went on a whiskey tour in Edinburgh which was very interesting. They mentioned putting a drop of water (but never ice) in the whiskey which made a huge difference to its enjoyability. My father in law, after drinking whiskey for 40 odd years, now puts a drop of water in every glass of whiskey he has. It really brings out the flavours. Does ice effect rum in the same way it does whiskey?

reiteration Publish time 26-11-2019 04:58:40

not sure, I've only ever had rum with something like coke / pepsi...for me, I think it's too strong (tasting and otherwise) to drink straight...

Guns_LotsOfGuns Publish time 26-11-2019 04:58:40

If your talking Rum it has to be Appleton 

My favourite

I've been to the estate and had a good tasting session, good times 

As for mixers, try ginger beer or the classic lime and brown sugar, im partial to tropical juice/punch myself.

Westindieman Publish time 26-11-2019 04:58:40

I love Appletons too but my favourite is Havana 12 year old. White rum I use for my fantastic mojita's.
Do you guys rock your rum or just neat?

KyleS1 Publish time 26-11-2019 04:58:40

Glad I'm not the only one!

KyleS1 Publish time 26-11-2019 04:58:40

Good idea!

Guns_LotsOfGuns Publish time 26-11-2019 04:58:41

Whisky Rocks: Kitchen & Home


Westindieman Publish time 26-11-2019 04:58:41

Not for me, I want the slow release of chilled water in my whiskey or rum if I ice it.

No ones mentioned Mount Gay, very drinkable too.

Guns_LotsOfGuns Publish time 26-11-2019 04:58:41

Fair enough, personally I hate the watered down taste but each to his own 

W0LFIE Publish time 26-11-2019 04:58:41

The alcohol content needs to be a minimum of something like 37.5% to legally refer to it as 'Rum'. It''s why Diageo's 'Morgan's Spiced' can't have the word 'Rum' on it's labelling because it falls just short at 35%. (other than in the distributors address 'Capt Morgan Rum Co.')
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