Publish time 26-11-2019 04:58:53
12 hours after squats last night and back again!
Warm Up
3 man teams (or in our case 2 men and 1 woman) - 8 min row, change every 150m, max effort. Good team effort - trying to minimise the time spent changing over, managed 2000m in the 8 mins.
5 Min
burpee into box jump (24")
25kg Dumbell snatch
5 mins - AMRAP
50 touch step jump ups (or 50 Double unders if you have them)
15 Double KB Thrusters
So partner starts on WOD1, I started WOD2. 5 Min each workout, 5 mins rest. Move to next workout, then repeat each one starting from where you finished last time.
Did 14 & 14 on WOD1 and got 4 full cycles of the touch step up and 3 full cycles of the Thrusters (still the worst exercise in the world!)
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:58:53
Tuesday - Bizarrely the only male in the class today at 9.30am.
Strength - 3RM - Deadlift.
On my own here as all the women got together in 3's. - Was interested to see where I was at with this as I've not DL'd for a while now. Anyway - previous 3RM was 130kg.....really wanted to push it and see what I could get. Got 130kg done, time running out, threw on another 10kg for 140kg and ended up getting 3 good lifts for a new PB. Chuffed with that.
20 seconds on/40 seconds off - 5 Full Rounds
Max cal Assaultmax reps 60kg DeadliftLungesMax Cal SkierMax 9kg slam ballsTough one as my legs were wrecked from my DL......sweaty one but pushed pretty hard every time.
Coaches birthday finisher.....Couple of the coaches are twins so double trouble to finish......
Partner up
50 Jump squat and clap hands at the top.
50 Hand tap pressups
50 situps clap at the top.
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:58:53
Haven’t had chance to update recently as I’ve been so busy with work and had a lot on over weekend.
Wed 06/12/17
Skill – Practise Pull Ups – Kipping or Strict.I don’t have kipping yet so worked on them.
WOD – For Time:
55 x Double Unders / 110 x Singles
Then 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 each of
Deadlift – A: 100kg / B: 85kg / C: 65kg/24” Box Jump Over (1 x deadlift, 1 x box jump, 2 x deadlift, 2 x box jump and so on)
55 x Double Unders / 110 x Singles
This was meant to be heavy so went with 85kg, 100kg would’ve been too heavy.Not too bad, I looked at the reps (55 of each) and gave myself a 10 minute time limit.Got a good rhythm going and finished in 9:32, I still don’t have DU’s so had to do singles which added time on so happy with getting under 10 mins.
One of the coaches did A (100kg) and blitzed it in 6:12!! :image/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:58:53
last night wod, really enjoyed this one.
5 rounds.
500m row.
20 hang squat cleans, 42.5kg.
and another good one happening tonight.
800m run
35 cal row
200m sled push ( 20kg)
35 cal row
800m run.
and fingers crossed i can fit it in tomorrow.
10 min amrap
10 bench press 60kg
10 power cleans 60kg
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:58:53
Thurs 07/12/17 - Bootcamp
Working in teams of 3 - 2 x 12 min AMRAP's
1 person rowing at all times (Can swap rowers between rounds but only at the end of rounds) whilst other 2 AMRAP (one goes through the round, then the other):
Workout 1:
7 x Toes to Bar
7 x Wall Ball - 9kg
7 x Box Jump - 24"
Rest 2 mins
Workout 2:
7 x KB Swings - 24kg
7 x KB Goblet Squat - 24kg
7 x Burpee
Score = AMRAP Metres
Workout 1 : 14 rounds 2 x TTB & 161m
Workout 2 : 11 rounds & 140m
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:58:54
I've added some crossfit terminology to the first post for anyone who comes looking in the thread but doesn't do crossfit.Let me know if I've missed any.
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:58:54
Power Snatch Snatch Balance - 35kg, tried 40kg but couldn't get the push fast enough in the snatch balance and kept losing the bar.
WOD - For Time
55 x Bar facing burpees
34 x Overhead squat (A:45kg / B: 35kg / C: 30kg)
21 x MU / C2B / PU
Time: 9:27
Nice fast little workout.Just did my burpees in 15, 15, 10, 15 with little breathers in between "sets".OHS felt odd at first, only tried these once or twice in the past but never this many which was why I chose C:30kg and struggled with the movement a little at first, especially after all those BFB's!I remembered watching a video on WODPrep* which said to try and bend the bar above your head which will keep you tight so I concentrated on that and it worked, I did 10, 10 then 14 reps.
Pull Ups I tried to do in two sets which would've shaved a good 10seconds off my time (every second counts!) but did 10 then 9 and had to wait a few seconds for the last 2!
Overall, enjoyed that.
*WODPrep is a really good page on facebook by the way, they always upload useful videos for technique, really helpful.
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:58:54
PT Session again this morning- focusing mainly on grip strength/kip swings etc - Long way off but working towards proper T2B and the holy grail for me a proper strict pull up & muscle up. (miles away but got to have a target)
Some more skiing/farmers walks/press ups/core work etc. Good solid session again.
No Squat Bootcamp tonight as it's wife's birthday and going out for dinner. Endurance bootcamp tomorrow night which is already filling me with dread.
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:58:54
Dear me please.
Endurance Bootcamp
Tough Tough session tonight.
In pairs
250m @60% effort (partner 1)
250m @60% effort (partner 2)
250m @ Max effort (partner 1)
250m @ Max effort (partner 2)
8 mins - no breaks - AMRAP
250m @60% effort (partner 1)
250m @60% effort (partner 2)
250m @ Max effort (partner 1)
250m @ Max effort (partner 2)
8 mins - no breaks - AMRAP
Total destroyed by the end of it, even the 60% efforts started to be hard work by the end. Nothing to majorly benchmark myself against but I was just on or under 45 seconds for 250m row and 48/49 for the ski.....that got slower toward the end!
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:58:54
the prices put me off...  I pay 25 a month for gym and kettlebell class at my place (and that also includes other classes and swimming pool)