djpaulc247 Publish time 26-11-2019 04:58:58

I usually wear WODies but they effectively make the bar thicker as you have that extra layer of padding on your hands.Decided against them last night and paid the price, lots of Savlon today!

djpaulc247 Publish time 26-11-2019 04:58:59

Thurs 21/12/17 - Bootcamp

In pairs - 4 x 6 min AMRAP (You go I go)

1) 10 x 24" Box Jumps / 6 x burpees

2 min rest

2) 10 x 24kg KB goblet squat / 6 x bar facing burpees

2 min rest

3) 10 x 24kg KB swing / 6 x burpee KB deadlift

2 min rest

4) 10 x 9kg Wall Ball / 6 x Burpee jump to target

Rounds as follows:

1) 9   10 x BJ
2) 9
3) 9   3 x BOB's
4) 8   6 x WB's

Not too bad, I do well at anything with burpees and always get comments on how quick I am at them  In the first round my partner slipped caught the box, scraped about a six inch gash down their shin that was just peeing blood so I had to keep doing rounds with no rest whilst he tried to clean that up.

booyaka Publish time 26-11-2019 04:58:59

Conditioning 30 min class.

3 man teams - as soon as machine was free, next person goes.

10 cal ski/10 x 20kg kettlebell snatch/10 burpees
then 12/12/12, 14/14/14 etc

12 mins

Was hard work as we had a new guy in our team and he was told to stick to 10/10/10 all the time so the rest was short for us.

Then a 3 man team race. 1st goes/then 2nd/then 3rd person.

1 HRPU into squat thrust , then 2/2/2 etc - all whilst holding the plank position. First team finished (at 7 reps each) got to pick an exercise for the rest of the class. So had to do 10 burpee tuck jumps to finish.

Then 30 mins of spin class after. Sweaty mess as always on a friday morning!

djpaulc247 Publish time 26-11-2019 04:58:59

Anyone else doing a 12 days of Christmas WOD today? I’ve counted it up, double checked it and am pretty sure I’m right in saying it’s 364 reps! 

Three hundred and sixty four!! 

booyaka Publish time 26-11-2019 04:58:59

John's Christmas Cracker

Always know when the Gym owner gets involved it's going to be bad!

Partner WOD

12 Rounds - Cindy (partner on/off)
5 pull ups10 pressups15 air squats8 Rounds (50kg bar) (partner on/off)
12 Deadlifts6 Power Cleans3 Front Squats6 Rounds - All Syncro with partner
10 Down and ups10 20kg Kettlebell overhead swings10 LungesI actually don't know what the timecap was (didn't hear) but I think it was about 20/25 mins??

Brutal stuff - hard hard work, not the fastest between us but kept pushing hard. Got to 4th round of the syncro Kettlebells at the cap.

djpaulc247 Publish time 26-11-2019 04:58:59

Saturday 23/12/17 - 12 Days of Christmas

1) Hand stand push up / Muscle Up
2) Ground to Overhead*
3) Toes to bar
4) Push Press*
5) Burpee to 30” box jump
6) Hang power clean*
7) Press Ups
8) Pull Ups / Chest to bar
9) Kettlebell swing - 24kg
10) Double unders or 20 singles
11) 9kg wall ball
12) Squat Snatch*

Done in the style of the Christmas song so you start with 1 handstand push up, then 2 GTOH   1 handstand push up all the way up to the 12. Wasn’t too bad until about 6 or 7 then it started getting tough. Those burpee box jumps were a killer.

Weights were A) 60kg, B) 50kg, C) 35kg. Anything with a * I used 40kg until my squat snatch which I dropped to 35kg as I’ve only done twice and still working on technique.

Time cap was 40 minutes. Finished in 37:12, out of 27 who did the two classes only 13 finished within the time cap so really happy with that 

Couple of pics of the board and of us after we’d finished.





original jungle Publish time 26-11-2019 04:58:59

awesome job

djpaulc247 Publish time 26-11-2019 04:58:59

Anyone else get any Crossfit goodies?


booyaka Publish time 26-11-2019 04:59:00

no crossfit goodies for me.
Boxing Day bonanza

I didn't over do it yesterday so thought why not hit the gym @ 9.30am boxing day!

EMOM - 5 Full rounds
12 Cal Ski9 Burpee Box jumps (24")9 50kg Ball Cleans (!!!!!!!!!)12 Cal Bike12 9kg Wall Balls18 Ball Slams (9kg) or 9 CTBRestTough shift but a busy gym, 50kg ball cleans are all wrong, think I managed 5,4,4,3,3 in total. It was sweaty and slippery but just bloody heavy!!

djpaulc247 Publish time 26-11-2019 04:59:00

Had an hour to kill yesterday so went for a little Christmas workout, thought I’d earn my Christmas dinner!

Worked on power cleans and did a few sets of front squat then did a WOD I’d done previously on 13th September not long after I’d first started Crossfit so a good gauge of any progress and increase in fitness.

21-15-9 - Push Press / 24” Box Jump
Straight into:
42-30-18 Double Unders (x2 for Singles) / Sit Ups with a 5kg plate

Last time I did this I used 35kg for my push press and it took 12:10, yesterday I used 40kg and did it in 09:44 so not bad. Would probably have been a little quicker if it wasn’t for all the wine on Christmas Eve 
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