What's the one thing you wish you would see in Supermarkets? (food)
Hi all,What's the one thing you wish you would see in Supermarkets? (food)
After going into my local supermarket, and noticing that they didn't have ANY lamb steaks (Not didn't have, just didn't stock) - it got me thinking, what else have you found they don't stock? Fresh dressed crab, in the shell
Meat that left the abattoir longer than yesterday Filet Americain
Croky Paprika Chips
Wijko Satay Sauce
Remia Friet Sauce
Soft salty licorice.
I could go on and on  Eggnog And Monin syrups in decent, big bottles. Sounds like arguments for independent shops.
Either that or pay higher supermarket prices. fresh sugar cane
fresh green coconuts Fresh Tofu All supermarkets have it in at the moment. In like juice cartons I've not seen it but I will be having another look over the next few days. I saw it in Selfridges a few years ago but not seen it since.