Publish time 26-11-2019 04:38:41
I tried to order one a few years back but at the time Weber said it didn't fit the Performer, i lost interest, but i'm hearing Weber modified the ring to work with the Performer.
I've been using the iGrill this weekend in addition to my Maverick. No failed probes yet, which is a big improvement on my last try with this unit but the base unit has locked up a couple of times and i've had to pull the batteries to get it to reboot, so the jury is still out.
The last 40 pounds of butt went on at 2 this morning, i was starting to struggle until my bare foot found a stray coal and brought me back to the land of the living with a jolt!
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:38:41
I've had mine for a couple of years now. Do use it on the performer. It's not what you would call an air tight fit but it's ok and doesn't give me any issues.
Ouch on that coal front!
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:38:41
Todays cooks was:
baby back ribs
bbq beans
baked potatoes
All done on the BBQs (47cm WSM and a performer today). No pictures I'm afraid. First go at ribs this year (I did a lot of ribs last year and got a bit sick of them). Pleased with the results especially the baked potatoes. The ribs were smoked over cherry wood with a little mesquite, probably could have been a little smokier tbh, glazed with bone suckin sauce as I couldn't be bothered to make a sauce today.
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:38:41
Standard Sunday of chicken drumsticks for me. Still loving the OTP. Will venture to something more adventurous soon. 
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:38:42
No apologies for not barbecuing today.
Roast rib of beef, Yorkies, roast and mashed spuds, roast parsnips, carrots and peas.
Absolutely gorgeous. Absolutely stuffed.
And I got an espresso coffee maker, too!
Steve W
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:38:42
I did a leg of lamb with garlic and rosemary for lunch  indirect heat method.It was gorgeous 
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:38:42
We had a distinctly average BBQ at the weekend, had in-laws over for fathers day tea.
Just some burgers and sausages.
But I had finally persuaded my wife we 'need' the Weber OTP.
I find the best price on-line, put it in my basket...
Then she tells me we can't buy it this month as she decided we are getting a puppy.
Now I love dogs, and she is a real cutie (the dog, not the wife), but I was so looking forward to getting a decent barbecue and doing something other than burgers and sausages. And the gas still hasn't run out on my old Outback despite the dial being on empty for months.
Next pay day is only a week or so away, then I should be able to treat myself.
PLUS, I have found plenty of suitable steel at work to make starting a pizza-oven wall like others have done. And I think enough to make a smokenator also.
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:38:42
Just whack it on a credit card and pay it off after payday. Win win 
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:38:42
Anyone use a Weber Q100 or Q200?I'm looking for something portable for camping but also to use in the garden. the Q120 and Q220 have stands I believe.
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:38:43
I've got both a Q100 and a Q200. The 100 can be run off small gas bottles but the 200 can't. We use the 100 up at a caravan site and it has enough cooking space for us and 2 kids provided you are grilling fairly simple things like sausages and burgers. We used to take the 200 with us before getting the 100 but the weight of a gas bottle made it a bit of a faff.