Free installs - advice
Hi,I am looking at getting a free solar install, I have enquired on 'a shade greener' site as it says 100% free.
I know they get all the earnings from it but I am home during the day quite often so I think its worth the savings I'll get.
Any advice?
Thanks If you can't afford to pay for them then why not. But if you can then buy them tax free money for little outlay, I think a full system only costs £5k now.
PS if they are willing to put them on for free they must think the return is worth it so why not you have it. I think the free install isn't worth it looking more in to it. No, the electric I save is minimal compared to the feed in tariff. I've had just over £1000 free electricity from my free installation since they were installed 2 years ago 
(And the cost of electricity is only ever going to go up for the foreseeable future ) really?horses for courses and all that, but i work from home and have had weirdly enough a shade greener install done this summer...
seems to be saving me 60-70 quid a month on the electric bill, although am expecting this to drop during the winter.
I didnt have the cash to pay for an install,but to save hopefully £500 per year off the household bills for zero outlay or effort it didnt seem a bad deal to me. Wow that's a lot IG. I only save on average £25 a month on a previous £900 a year bill. Your bill must have been astronomical to save that much Is it really £60-£70 a month cheaper than the same month last year? That seems a lot especially as I have a full system with perfect orientation. Do you get to see the generation figure? yes we do have a logon to see that... ill dig it out later.
but yes, my year on year meter readings ( im with ovo energy and do monthly readings and billing )... are indeed working out to be saving that much.
i dont think we'll save as much over the darker months.
i have also got rid of a tropical fish tank too, but nit sure how much that uased to be fair with 24x7 pump and heather. I'm not bothering as you save around £150-£200 so it looks like your fish tank was taking a bit and also use much more electric in winter.