Jazz Monkey Jr Publish time 26-11-2019 04:03:39

Output for November and December

Stuart Wright Publish time 26-11-2019 04:03:39

Free install of what?Biomass boiler?Solar thermal panels? Ground source heat pump? Loft insulation? Cavity wall insulation? Double glazing?
I'm guessing you mean solar PV but you might want to help yourself get replies by being specific.

Jazz Monkey Jr Publish time 26-11-2019 04:03:40

It was solar but ended up buying it.

Stuart Wright Publish time 26-11-2019 04:03:41

What panels did you go for?   How is it working out with the Immersun?
We're planning on getting a thermal store and Immersun.Haven't decided on the panels yet.

Jazz Monkey Jr Publish time 26-11-2019 04:03:41

I got 16 panels installed by my local electrician who also installs solar. It is 4kw and the immersun is great if you have a hot water tank. I put a new heating element in and it used 3kw the other day to heat the water up to 65c. It will only heat the top half of the tank but that is where you need it as the cold fill is at the bottom and hot water out of the top.
Once the immersun stops any extra output is sent back out and my meter goes backwards as I have the old spinning disc type.
My installation was £6,500 with the immersun.

Jazz Monkey Jr Publish time 26-11-2019 04:03:42

Today has be quite sunny and heated up the hot water and I have had the washer & dryer on.
Immersion showing usage:
Inverter showing production:
Hot water tank temperatures which gives an indication how much hot water there is located top, middle and near bottom of tank:

Jazz Monkey Jr Publish time 26-11-2019 04:03:43

I've also earned £1.02p today from the energy I've produced and whatever I have saved by not importing which is probably about 80p 

Jazz Monkey Jr Publish time 26-11-2019 04:03:43

Owl graph showing import/export/solar
Export goes to the immersion heater until it is hot.

tredman Publish time 26-11-2019 04:03:44

I'm looking at getting panels installed by 'A shade greener' too, I know it's been a while since your posts above, but how are you finding it?

I've had the initial survey and it seems like we are ideal - perfectly south facing roof and fairly large too.

Only thing I'm not sure on is the mortgage implications and the quality of the install and parts - how was your experience on this?

IronGiant Publish time 26-11-2019 04:03:45

Different company for mine, but everything is working great. They once came around to do a safety check, but it was entirely at our convenience and no problem at all.As for the mortgage, it was a routine matter of asking their permission and they rubber stamped it. (Nationwide)
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