Corbyn vs. May debate - Who done better?
I couldn't find a thread on this so though I'd start one. For those who watched the Corbyn vs May debate last night who do you think down better? Anything to make you change your vote after seeing it? Corbyn. It also further cemented my decision to vote Labour Who knew? Cemented?Was there ever any prospect of you voting for anyone else? Yup! last years I was committed to voting Lib Dems as they are the only party who would seek an another referendum.I am a diehard Remainer andBritish European who was very disappointed with Corbyn's weak performance during the referendum campaign - no fire, passion or serious commitment, but then that accusation could be applied to many in the Remain camp.
Since then I have been quietly impressed with him and Labour's manifesto so i am throwing my lot with them hoping that he will lead the UKs negotiating team in more a reasoned and less confrontational manner than "I can be a bloody difficult woman", May.With her handbag throwing tactics I can only see disaster particularly as the other 27 nations would appear tobe unanimously unitedonfollowing tough guidelines Pretty much my thoughts.I changed from Lib Dem to Labour just before sending my postal vote.It won't affect my true blue constituency but wanted May's popular vote to be as small as possible. I missed it unfortunately. I wish I could answer...I thought there were no debates so a bit surprised to see this thread... No head to head debates. So there was no Corbyn vs May debate  I thought so much... it wont affect mine either but it's at times like these that i wish we had PR as a voting system becauseI regard that as far more democratic . The fact we dont have that(plus HOL) means i will never accept arguments that the EU is undemocratic