The Dude
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:22:13
So it looks like TMs decision not to take part in TV debates was the right one, what a farce that was last night.
I honestly don't know why we even bother with that format, what did we learn from last night other than that our opinions of politicians in general are largely correct?
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:22:13
We learnt that Tim Farron is the Archbishop of Banterbury. Oh, and he's from Preston.Did I tell you, he's from Preston?
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:22:13
I don't know how you can say that, T May got hammered a few times and wasn't there to defend herself and with so many viewers, there are surely a lot of 'fence sitters' that will definitely not be voting conservative now? Teresa Mays 'stand in' didn't exactly cover herself in glory IMO.
I'm not really an avid watcher or reader of whats going on in politics but that lady Caroline Lucas - I liked how she came across last night.
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:22:14
I think Farron, Lucas, and Robertson did really well. Lucas and Robertson speak really well, very easy to listen to.Farron bought the bants, very funny but too many childhood Preston stories for me lol.Corbyn did ok, he lacks charisma but he believes in what he says and it shows unlike with Rudd who like May, got many unintentional laughs and was booed whenever she mentioned May. The Welsh lady might as well not have been there, totally forgettable, and that Nuttal guy is best summed up as a single testicle balanced on a crap tie.
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:22:15
I couldn't believe it when he was asked about climate change and Trumps stance - he said the UK may as well do the same as Trump 
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:22:16
Luckily, I can't see UKIP being in many more debates in the next election cycle. Their vote share is about to collapse now the Tories have rebranded as Diet UKIP.
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:22:17
Which is a really weird decision from the leader of an anti immigration party.As Farron pointed out, climate change is a key driver to migration and will become worse as parts of North Africa and the Middle East become unlivable.If you don't want hoards of migrants banging on Europe's doors, you probably want to have some substantial green policies in place.
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:22:18
I couldn't believe he forgot to say backslide
- fudgeed my debate bingo!!
just caught this meme, tweeted by Paul Mason yesterday ...
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:22:19
Agreed. I thought Amber Rudd was very unimpressive - the Tories would have done better with someone with a little more charisma.
Steve N
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:22:20
With debates like this you need a really hard bastard in charge to keep the children participants in order.
Too many presenters think that a lot of squabbling is somehow entertaining (a la Alan Partridge)
I saw some of the US debates and, in the main, they were much better controlled and structured.
Questions were asked and answered by the participants called and no interuptions tolerated.
Also a time limit on responses. Lovely 