Publish time 26-11-2019 03:22:04
It might have been an idea to concentrate on Brexit and not call an election, like she told us she wouldn't. She really is proving the disaster many suspected, a complete contrast to her repetitive soundbites.
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:22:05
Thanks for quoting that which is exactly my point. There wasn't even the appetite for any kind of change. Not even a small step in he right direction. I'm not fan of first past the post either, but I don't like to live in the past and bemoan it and wonder about what if scenarios. Most people aren't interested, they are happy with the way it is. Saying that is undemocratic is just plain ridiculous.
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:22:06
"The trouble with?" Why is any of that a bad thing?
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:22:07
A situation where you need three or more to form a coalition - that would be a disaster - bad enough with two.
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:22:08
I fear that Cameron and May might jointly responsible for wrecking the UK.
First there was Cameron's arrogance, calling the referendum becuase he assumed that everyone would vote the same as London.Now I voted to leave so the right result for me and I still think it will work.But there is no denying that the referendum has created resentment and divides and would have done whatever way it went.
Then there was May's arrogance, calling an election when she said she wouldn't, because she thought she could smash Labour into the ground.
She has opened the door to let Labour promise things they can't deliver and let the LibDem imply that voting for them is a chance to undo the referendum.
And to counter thaat, she has put out a dreadful manifesto.
The conservatives might still win but far from increasing their majority I can see them ending up without one and there will be no one that they could form a coalition with, so we might end up with a government formed by Labour and LibDem.
That will be a disaster because whatever the LimDems might suggest, Brexit will happen, it is just that they will do it on terrible, terrible conditions.
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:22:08
I voted remain but, along with the cannabis proposal, the second referendum idea of the lib dems was the final nail in their coffin as far as my vote is concerned. Let's just move on and make the best of it with the party, or
parties, that get elected. I can't see them getting enough seats to form a coalition with labour though, which only leaves a potential labour/SNP coalition.
I'm so glad my own vote is meaningless, I wouldn't want any responsibility for the potential government we'll end up with next month. They should all be hanging their heads in shame for the self serving behaviour, more than usual anyway, that has been displayed this past year or so.
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:22:09
Well, that debate (and I use the term very loosely) was utterly appalling. Who can shout the loudest, speak over others and bullsh*t the most wins. Complete waste of time.
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:22:10
That would be the case, but there is a little matter of democracy.
The EU vote was something we wanted and and sure the Tories tried to delay it, election after election. But it had to happen, especially with the rise of UKIP. Cameron couldn't put it off any longer.
May could have just carried on and not called an election. But a lot has happened in the last year. The Brexit vote and she becoming PM. It is quite understandable for her to get our endorsement to carry on as an elected PM and continue with the Brexit talks.
Of course, she saw Corbyn as a person who had never held any particular responsibility in the past and was only supported by his ex and a few hard leftys. Most sensible people had jumped ship.She took a gamble.
If she looses then blame the electorate!
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:22:12
I don't like her new haircut. Makes her look like a slim version of anne widdecombe.
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:22:13
You can watch it on the Sky News app, it's all free to do.
I personally thought they were both the same as their performances and policies are the same as before.
I still won't vote for either.
And this morning when Boris Johnson was directly asked if he thought it would be a bad decision if Trump leaves the Paris Climate agreement, he flatly refused to answer..
I think his snap election is going to backfire in the Conservatives face. And we will have a hung parliament.