Publish time 26-11-2019 03:18:52
The Long Road to #10 might have gotten a little shorter. Lord Ashcroft appears to be sticking the knife into Cameron. All I'll say is Charlie Brooker's Black Mirror Prime Minister episode and pass me the sick bucket.
Drugs, debauchery and Lord Ashcroft's book that lays Dave bare
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:18:52
tbh, speaking for myself having been there and got the t-shirt, the raves and drugs are no big deal (though of course not to the Tories at the time with the Criminal Justice Bill), he should have been honest about that years ago, and its well known he was part of the acid house scene with long hair, and Delingpole's talked about their pill popping days
- Bullingdon Club misbehaviour/harm to others from entitled ****s though is something else ... I'd guess Boris, an admitted snorter, was more into the trashing whilst Dave and Gideon were mostly on the marching powder
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:18:53
This is a whole different kettle of fish though - Cameron allegedly put his penis into a dead pigs head (I need another sick bucket), there is photographic proof which Ashcroft tried to obtain. If this were from anyone other than Lord Ashcroft it would be laughed off. Never annoy a billonare, as Libel Law means very little to them.
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:18:53
Okay I didn't read all that 
- I didn't think the Black Mirror reference was almost literal
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:18:53
I do think he's toast, might not happen right away. But Boris if nothing about his university days comes out, will move in for the kill.
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:18:53
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:18:53
I thought Cameron was going to bow out anyway?
Actually, this kind of thing makes for a lot of tittle tattle in the Mail and other self righteous papers but it no surprise (well the pig bit is unusual!).
Still, its a lesson on not making enemies.
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:18:54
there's a joke in there somewhere about Corbyn vs Cameron
- one's a socialist pig, the other's a ... ??
EDIT ...
read/heard elsewhere ...
'David Hameron'"He should get the chop ... with apple sauce.""I hear Ashcroft was just telling porkies""Today programme tried to phone him this morning but there was crackling on the line""More offended that he allegedly spent time listening to Supertramp.""He fudgeed a dead pig. Sow what.""Nowadays he puts it in a horse's mouth""it doesn't matter at all .....he sings the National anthem"Mash & Thump coverage 
British pig farmers face fresh outbreak of ‘cock in mouth’ diseaseBritons wearily accept that their prime minister put his cock in a pig’s mouth
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:18:54
More about David Hameron:
Cameron Allegedly Stuck His Naughty Bits In A Dead Pig's Mouth And Twitter Can't Handle It
"So I ask the Prime Minister, are the allegations true?"
"So the media is... telling porkies?"
*Corbyn high-fives entire front bench*
Press conference
Cameron: Anyone have any questions?
*everyone raises hands*
Cameron: That aren't about the pig?
*everyone lowers hands*
At least now we know why Kermit and Miss Piggy split up.
Even Politicians Are Taking The P*ss Out Of David Cameron Over #PigGate
The Funniest Responses To That Story About David Cameron And The Pig
I wonder who squealed.
Charlie Brooker's Black Mirror Bizarrely Predicted Obscene Cameron Pig Allegations
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:18:54
Poor pig, got special love from Tory PM The Right Honourable David Cameron MP, you have to worry what awaits live animal's, once RSPCA prosection powers are weakened. All the little piggy's will be squealing all the way home. Watch out Porky pig, guess who is out, hunting! "I will do it with my spear and magic helmet!
Loony tunes was so inocent.