Publish time 26-11-2019 03:18:47
That will be a lot more entertaining. Though I would guess it might be all for naught if the Economy has a blip in the middle of the Tory Leadership fight/election.
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:18:47
Davis or Gove, look the most natural, May looks as though she smoked and drank to much coffee. Osbourne Boris and Javid are just odd, floating voters will run a mile from the x on the ballot box, having one of those threesome to choose from, lots of games and witty dark humour to be had for opposition spin doctors.
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:18:48
Remember the ladies seem to go for Boris rather than the other boring MPs
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:18:48
Do they.If you are into his political ideology, I'm sure he is great, jolly good fun chappie and I can see why people think he has wide appeal. he'd be good wing man.
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:18:48
And there are plenty of women who don't. The Tories will likely win the next election by virtue of an Economy that's stuttering along and Labour being in chaos. Unless something big happens, a donkey could be Tory leader and win the next election.
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:18:48
Stuttering along?
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:18:49
Lets be honest, the Economy while it's recovered is not exactly firing on all cylinders at the moment. And with the news that the property market in London may well be a means to launder dirty money, there maybe trouble ahead for the UK's Economic reputation. While David Cameron has been uttering about London not being a place for dirty money, it seems he's been snoozing on the job or turning a blind eye to it - Case reveals London’s role as global money-laundering centre | ExaroNews
That's an example from 2012.
I'm assuming that this also took place to a certain extent in the Blair and Brown years. I guess if you strip out the properties used to launder money then the London Property Market would probably deflate rapidly.
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:18:49
The old foreign fraudsters line, those ghastly foreigners types, with their funny ways. Strange they never refer to the UK mediators, legal representatives, accountants, financiers and estate agents, who can’t wait to aid the cleansing, for a nice wodge of the funny money.
The only time I hear Boris, as likable by the opposite gender, is in the cuddly and funny manner, which translates to I feel sorry for you!
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:18:49
So same old through the record Brown years ... I'm not claiming the growth is as solid as it could be, but it has always been thus, and we've over taking France if we haven't already.Compared to Eurozone (inc Germany) we're doing extremely well, although Spain and Ireland are powering along now too, lets hope the lost generation can get some jobs.
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:18:49
We simply do not know how resistant the UK Economy will be to an Economic shock to the Global Economy. As for France ? Not that hard to do better given the French haven't really woken up to the Economic problems they face. I could see them going cap in hand to the IMF eventually.
The biggest danger to the Eurozone countries remains Greece. It's just had the can kicked down the road again. Osborne has been relatively lucky that the World Economy is chugging along and the bond markets haven't turned on him. But then a lot of Chancellor's of the Exchequer ride their luck till the bitter end.