Looks like we are now getting both..!
So, renewed NATO raison d'ĂȘtre means we get to keep both carriers -BBC News - UK aircraft carrier Prince of Wales to go into service
...... Good .! Can some mod change the me to we pls....! And I understand the French have a couple of warships that Cameron could buy for the navy too Really ..! I though buying from an independent Scotland was going to be hard - but weaponry from France ..! Why not? Hardly used, just need to change the steering wheel to the other side and then turn the gearbox round so there is more forward gears than reverse. Job done. Just go into edit and then more options and you can edit the title... Not on the app there isn't .!
Changed to web view - sorted . Cheers .! Well done  Indeed it is an interesting about face, although the army seems to be having more issues atm.
Maybe, Not Flash Gordo will be the savior of the universe after all, with those un-cancel-able contracts. Surely now it must be seen as a good thing ?
If GB had made breakable contracts, then DC would have cancelled at least one of them years ago and presented it as a good thing.Now we (apparently) see the absolute wisdom of having two aircraft carriers.So surely we have to thank GB for his foresight and correctly reading the future defence needs of the not quite United Kingdom.
Unless of course one aircraft carrier is for normal defence and the second will be used to defend England from the hoards of bankrupt Scots?
Either way, well done Gordo!