Trollslayer Publish time 26-11-2019 03:14:41

Re-verify our range to target... one ping only.
Captain, I - I - I just...
Give me a ping, Vasili. One ping only, please.
Aye, Captain.

Sonic67 Publish time 26-11-2019 03:14:42

And St Helena now has a runway that can take wide bodies too. A new port is also being built at Port Rubert.

Air Travel to St Helena is set for take-off - St Helena Tourism

This month marks the one-year countdown to the opening of our first airport on St Helena, currently only accessible by sea.

I've not heard who Corbyn plans on giving St Helena to but give him time.

St. Helena airport a key Falklands link

Sonic67 Publish time 26-11-2019 03:14:42

Argentina and UK to work toward removing shipping restrictions - Argentina and UK to work toward removing shipping restrictions - BBC News

Greg Hook Publish time 26-11-2019 03:14:42

Sounds like getting rid of wossname was a good idea.
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