pragmatic Publish time 26-11-2019 03:09:03

Why can't the French turf them out, what do they expect to do with British help?
If they can't be kicked out of France without British help, then they can't be kicked out of France with British help.
Or am I missing something?

If they didn't want to come to the UK, they'd probably be happy to stay in France, better than plenty of other alternatives, right?

A hard line is surely needed, lock people up (we can help fund that) until they give out their home nation and find their mysteriously 'lost' documentation and then send them back, simply moving them on is achieving less than nothing.

robel Publish time 26-11-2019 03:09:03

Asylum seeking or invading?

loz Publish time 26-11-2019 03:09:03

So France's boarder security is poor, but somehow it is the UK's fault that illegal immigrants can easily enter France in order to make their way to the UK.

Well yes, we ought to make the UK less attractive to illegal immigrants.
But surely the first thing France should be doing if it has a problem with illegal immigrants is stopping them entering France in the first place.

IronGiant Publish time 26-11-2019 03:09:04

Hear hear, well said 

I do find it odd that they are our illegal immigrants when the only place they are residing in illegally is France.

loz Publish time 26-11-2019 03:09:05

I guess they all have tickets they show on entry into France

And it is our fault for not allowing the connecting flight to depart...

IronGiant Publish time 26-11-2019 03:09:06

Unless flying is a new term for hanging off a lorry axle, I don't think many of them fly into France do they? 

robel Publish time 26-11-2019 03:09:07

France is royally screwed and degrading further every day....what we are hearing, are merely the rants of a mad and desperate person....

pragmatic Publish time 26-11-2019 03:09:08

I meant when the media (Guardian, Independent and BBC/CH4) can't even bring themselves to mention the ethnicity of the perpetrators when it is such a blatant and key fact, as well as institutions that have actively looked the other way. When it comes to the latter if knowing of but allowing the systematic rape, trafficking and forced prostitution (and even torture) of children is not the very definition of get away with anything I'm not sure what is.

The guardians of free speech and liberty fail so badly, yet the public for the most part would not want or allow people, regardless of who they are or what they look like get away with this, at least in the court of public opinion.

nheather Publish time 26-11-2019 03:09:09

The problem is that the UK Government doesn't really know - or at least the behaviour doesn't support it.

Illegal immigrant turns up.If they are not detected they sneak in (agreed they don't get benefits).If they get caught they claim asylum knowing we are a soft touch.We don't look at the case quickly and say "oh no your not, on your bike and put them on a plane home".No we put them in centres, build up a huge backlog that we can't progress and then have an amnesty to clear the queue.

I suspect that only a tiny minority of asylum seekers are genuine but I reckon only a tiny minority of them get rejected.



Trollslayer Publish time 26-11-2019 03:09:10

I really don't want to be inflammatory but have to post this
BBC News - Calais migrants foiled as they try to storm ferry
Yes, other countries including France go too far the other way but a balance needs to be achieved.
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