nheather Publish time 26-11-2019 03:04:47

Concerned that media are billing it as an opportunity to change Brexit some even calling it a second referendum and that may cause the remainers to vote tactically to try and derail the process.

To be clear, the UK votes for Brexit - the election isn't a second referendum - and Article 50 has been triggered.Sure the remainers can put in MPs to obstruct and derail the process but all this will achieve is to make the UK's bargaining position weaker.

Go to the negotiating table as a strong and coordinated UK then we stand more chance of getting a good deal.Go to the table arguing amongst ourselves and the EU will have a field day and the UK will come away with the worst of the worst.



raduv1 Publish time 26-11-2019 03:04:47

I set the poll to private when I set up the OP .

raduv1 Publish time 26-11-2019 03:04:48

Yup same here.

Ed Selley Publish time 26-11-2019 03:04:48

Hmm- if UKIP aren't careful they stand to lose several of their 0 MPs.

McPhee Publish time 26-11-2019 03:04:48

A damning assessment of the two parties? The Lib Dems taking second place would be a stunning victory for the party. To become the second largest party would involve the largest swing in voters that the UK has ever seen.

It's quite damning for Labour that any of their MPs are even entertaining the idea. It should be laughable.

Lesmor Publish time 26-11-2019 03:04:48

Sorry need to clarify my funny
Your surnames not Farage by any chance? :image/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7

RiceRocket Publish time 26-11-2019 03:04:48

He doesn't want a hard Brexit though does he mainly because of protecting environment & workers rights? Sure I've heard/read him saying he prefers Single Market membership so he "would" go down the Norway or Switzerland model.

Surely they can supersede the referendum result though with a mandate based on what they specifically pledge in their manifesto eg soft Brexit or ask the EU (MEP vote?) to annul A50 triggering

EarthRod Publish time 26-11-2019 03:04:48

Ah, yes but...

First past the post system killed UKIP in the 2015 general election, UKIP only got one seat for nearly 4 million votes. SNP ended up with 52 seats for about the same number of votes.

It's the UKIP voters who was robber guv, not the number of MPs.

nheather Publish time 26-11-2019 03:04:49

Thanks.Thought I might be being too-sensitive when I thought your comment was a bit barbed.

No, not Farage - I noticed in a news report recently that 'NIGEL' is one of the declining names.It has never been that popular (even in my day), always considered a bit posh (which I'm not) but I think association with Farage has put off anyone who might have considered it.

Apart from the last election I have voted Conservative for all of my 36 year long voting life.I voted UKIP because I felt strongly about the UK's position within the EU and it was clear that the Conservatives weren't aligned with my feelings.

I'm not against the EU, I think it is mostly good.I just don't think that the UK can continue providing free health care and benefits for anyone that wants to come to the UK and play the system.I had hoped that Cameron would have negotiated a better deal pre-referendum but what he achieved was 'effectively nothing'.I would like to see free-trade and controlled immigration - I welcome anyone who wants to come to the UK and contribute more than they take out.

UKIP has served its purpose and I think the UK needs to go to the negotiating table as strong and unified in order to get the best deal for the country.So I'm back with Conservative.



The Dude Publish time 26-11-2019 03:04:49

Considering that the Lib dems are the only pro-eu party, I'd have thought that tactical voting won't have any real effect other than balancing up the seating arrangements on the opposition side of the house?
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