Publish time 26-11-2019 02:52:37
Toko Black
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:52:37
Some nutter is offended so we had to change the menu ... bit like some nutters are offended by Jerry Springer the Opera so we'll close it.
While you run up a list of what the fruit loop safe space cadets are whinging about, don't forget to list all the moral outrages that the po-faced puritanicals bang on about in their complaints to the BBC who have apoplectic indignancy seizures if someone says 'bum' on the airwaves.
....... you know, for balance...
The only real upside of all these cry babies is that they pose a possible solution to the containment issues in fusion reactors.
Strap a ring of Safe space cadets to the central axis and a ring of po-faced puritanicals to the outer walls, tell the safe space cadets that the super heated plasma has been going around telling Bernard Manning jokes and the Puritanicals that the Plasma supports teaching 5yr old's about rimming .... then let the Plasma in and watch it try and crawl over itself to stay as far away from either side as possible 
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:52:38
I got around to watching this, it was interesting but didn't go far enough. I'd like to see a more detailed discussion based on taking views like the students held to their logical conclusion, ie everything ends up banned because everything can cause offence if you look hard enough for it - or even just claim to be offended, regardless of whether or not you actually are. (And even if you are genuinely offended, to paraphrase Stephen Fry: so fudgeing what...)
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:52:38
Not watched it, but was this a random cross section of our young men and women at University or volunteers from the SU or a particular focus group?
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:52:38
Representation from about 6 or 7 universities from up and down the UK, IIRC (one or two people per university at most).
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:52:38
Thanks kav.The students I know, which probably counts as n=1 as they are all my son's friends seem to have a well rounded outlook on the world.They all voted remain but I forgive them  Actually that's another point, they all voted 
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:52:39
They were self-described activists. There definitely wasn't much science behind the sample selection(nor do I think there was any malicious intent to paint a certain picture either - the filmmakers probably contacted the uni and asked for volunteers). The impression I got was that these volunteers were self-selected by virtue of being involved in the likes of their students' union or uni debating teams. Without meaning to overly stereotype, I recall from my student days that those who were keen on setting the rules and regs via the students' union were in many ways different from the rest of us who were happy enough getting pissed and skipping lectures and trying to get girls. I suspect the vast majority of students couldn't give a toss and it's a minority of students who control the agenda which in turn colours the perception of how university campuses operate.
Also anecdotal but I have a couple of grads working for me and they are extremely level headed and far more switched on than I was at their age. I'm not saying there's not a problem but I think it's more that there is a minority (of all political persuasions) who set the agenda by being the loudest and the most abrasive and controversial (an effect the internet is magnificent at amplifying), which in turn polarises discussion and causes people to choose sides first and consider facts and reality later.
Toko Black
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:52:39
Which is a microcosm of society as a whole to some extent. Those that have a bee in their bonnet one way or the other disproportionately influence the agenda. If the issues that those people are passionate about have organised structures or groups dedicated to channeling specific opinions to the media and political forums(forum in the general sense), that disproportion is amplified.
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:52:39
It's a pity so few people (particularly "liberals") watch these documentaries (and others). Perhaps then they wouldn't be so clueless (or is it a case of being in denial).
Also, it's a pity they don't get seen again on TV (you'd think they would get repeated on the documentary channels - instead of the crap they put on).
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:52:39
@IronGiant- you know what I'm thinking Dave 