Faust Publish time 26-11-2019 02:52:29

Has political correctness gone mad - by Trevor Phillips

Don't know if any of you watched this programme tonight but it's a great one to debate.I'm sure for those who did watch it, many of you like me would have been gnashing their teeth and wringing their hands.

There was a group of students discussing the merits of what was or was not acceptable.I had to slap my own face simply to make sure I wasn't in some nightmarish dream.You simply have to see and listen to them in order to get the flavour of what their views were.

I thought Trevor Phillips was rather good and provided some thought provoking questions.There was also a short interview with Nigel Farage and although I'm not a fan of the man I did think a lot of what he said made sense.

krish Publish time 26-11-2019 02:52:30

Will have to watch it. Looks like British TV finally getting into the free speech debate that true liberals have been engaged in for a while against the "regressive left" with their safe spaces and trigger warnings leading to the rise of the far right and alt-right twits.
Has Political Correctness Gone Mad? - All 4

Faust Publish time 26-11-2019 02:52:31

Oh gawd! yes we had all that tripe.There was even one student that was against fancy dress just on the off chance this managed to offend just about anyone in general.

Tip! have a relaxing tipple and do some breathing exercises before you begin to watch. 

Having given it more thought, I think it's a programme that should be included as part of the national curriculum.

krish Publish time 26-11-2019 02:52:31

Oh boy, just watched it. Those fudgeing students. Though had to the laugh at the hypocrisy of Farage at the end with his usual playing the man not the ball accusation against the liberal elite when he plays the man all the time.

Faust Publish time 26-11-2019 02:52:31

Students today hey! - this has really gone to far.In my day we had CND etc. but this lot featured in the programme - yikes.If they are our tomorrow then there's little hope for us.

I said it was an 'interesting watch'. I do think Farage was on the money with some of what he had to say though, as was Trevor Phillips.

Faust Publish time 26-11-2019 02:52:31

Given the subject matter I really am surprised this topic hasn't generated more interest on the forum. It is also very current, especially given the brexit vote.

I found what Trevor Phillips had to say to be a breath of fresh air.

This is a debate everyone should be having.Perhaps the reason for there not being many replies is because as reported on the programme everyone is running scared and terrified of being vilified for their views?

krish Publish time 26-11-2019 02:52:31

^^^ probably because we've had a few threads on free speech issues already ... do a search on safe spaces, trigger warnings, social justice warriors (SJW) and virtue signalling and you'll probably find some of them 

Faust Publish time 26-11-2019 02:52:31

From memory though I don't think I have ever seen such a programme aired on national TV.TBH the more I listened the more surprised I became that that the liberal left allowed it to happen.

krish Publish time 26-11-2019 02:52:32

I don't see them as 'liberal', more the result of a misguided coddled generation keeping up appearances with style over substance.

Toko Black Publish time 26-11-2019 02:52:32

They are to the average 'Liberal'* what Evangelical Christians, Creationists(especially the young Earth variety) et al are to the average 'Conservative'*.

*average liberal and conservatives being by my definition at least from a UK centric perspective the centre-left and centre-right moderates.
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