Bl4ckGryph0n Publish time 26-11-2019 02:39:45

Well that will set us up nicely for a post Brexit environment...Glad I keep my EU passport 

I'd rather have a small percentage of a lot....Why give the benefits to the carribean, let's have some of that ourselves. We'd ALL be much better off...

Jezza99 Publish time 26-11-2019 02:39:45

Well, It's easy to trivialise, but the Royal Family is a massive earner for UK PLC, and the PR value is incalculable. Forget the poxy NHS, it's the Royals who are the true envy of the world.

But people like you would rather have President Blair. All in the interests of "social justice" .

Jezza99 Publish time 26-11-2019 02:39:46

Not blaming anyone IG, just not understanding how it can happen under current UK law. Perhaps a historic case is being referred to.

IronGiant Publish time 26-11-2019 02:39:47

I would think so, yes.

Sonic67 Publish time 26-11-2019 02:39:48

What would you prefer? President May? An elected head of state no one has heard of? Which?

Globally how many do you think can name the elected head of state of Ireland? Globally how many do you think can name the head of state of the UK?

Interesting how much you used to have a go at Pecker when he wanted to abolish the monarchy and now presumably think he was right all along.

Sonic67 Publish time 26-11-2019 02:39:49

A few points from listening to this debated on the radio this morning.

None of it is illegal. It's tax avoidance, and if it was easy to stop it would have been stopped many governments ago.

The UK is ideal for it as we have lots of accountants, lots of lawyers and lots of UK dependent territories money can be moved to.

Rasczak Publish time 26-11-2019 02:39:50

I would go for an "elected head of state that most people have heard of" - an option you don't list but one that would probably be possible after a suitable presidential campaign.

Probably, although I see HMRC has asked to see the Paradise Papers.

Sonic67 Publish time 26-11-2019 02:39:51

Only likely to happen if it's some kind of national reality TV star or David Beckham. If you prefer that then fine.

NewfieDrool Publish time 26-11-2019 02:39:52

My pension was company based, it was not protected as it was one where the directors could gain access to it back in the 80s and 90 s, 10 million was lost leaving all the employees out of pocket. It’s worth nothing.
At 50 I’m too old to start putting pennies into a new one.

Those who lost their pensions with the well known one never saw 90%, I think all my companion got back from the government was 15k.

mij Publish time 26-11-2019 02:39:53

If I was one of the super rich shafting my workers and country by not putting back all that I could be into the system/country that helped me accumulate all that I have, I would be worried about being found out, but then I would read this thread and think nothing to worry about 
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