Publish time 26-11-2019 02:39:17
You seriously haven't got the foggiest have you....That is just some newspaper headline stuff...
Ruperts slippers
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:39:18
Where do people think the money should go?
What should we do with the other peoples money?
On the other hand 40% don't earn enough or generate enough value with there efforts to contribute anything towards the public coffers. Why? Are they being held back or do they make different decisions, are they conscientious enough, do they have the drive, ideas, work ethic, in fact does everyone have the right temperament, qualities and ability to generate value that can effect the wider economy.
The Mathew Effect will always ensure the rich become richer and the poor will become poorer in relative terms to one another. However in historical terms the poor now are wealthier than ever before.
Another point is money is just a measure of human prosperity, money in itself doesn't create anything. This is the age old argument, is it better to let an individual to decide or should the government decide how to spend or distribute wealth.
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:39:18
No, but perhaps it is time to expect and demand a higher standard from the Duchy of Lancaster. The Queen and her (extended) family have done very well out of the British taxpayer and they shouldn't attempt to reduce their tax burden. Especially when said taxpayers are currently paying out millions to refurbish Buckingham Palace.
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:39:19
Jeremy Corbyn, should he be elected into power, might make a few changes. Being old-fashioned Labour he might make the lowest tax rate 30% and close all doors to tax havens.
Also, he could take us back to the 1960s where the maximum sterling money anyone travelling could take out of the UK was £50.
The Dark Horse
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:39:20
I haven't read anything about this, just what I've heard on the radio, but I assume none of these revelations are illegal? I would assume all the super rich use the services of top accountants to look after their funds.
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:39:21
And who owns Buckingham Palace?  You're beginning to sound like LGS 
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:39:22
And put up the highest rate to 98% and cause a mass exodus of high earners.
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:39:23
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:39:24
I don't think anyone is suggesting anything illegal has occurred. And I suspect most people aren't too bothered what private citizens do with their cash (subject to legality of course). But the Queen is a public servant whose has been given a fabulous, well funded life by the taxpayer and must be held to a different standard IMHO.
Its not class warfare mate - its simply a question of believing in a republic. 
Ruperts slippers
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:39:25
The Queen employs 400 people and
What happened shortly after the Russian revolution, people starved to death, they ate their own.
This resentment about what is not yours and what others have drives human misery. Poor or no governance leads to death and destruction. Just be content that people consent to paying tax, whilst a large percentage either pay very little and do very little.
There is no utopia where people can sit around all day being non productive and where there isn't a price to pay for moral ambivalence. Grow up.