Publish time 26-11-2019 02:39:02
It's not only the Guardian who are making a big splash about this tax avoidance stuff and it is quite right for the media to make people aware of this old well-worn issue.
But I agree with you, the Guardian newspaper has a history of tax avoidance so the irony is there for all to see - including 'the leftys' 
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:39:03
The Guardian the leftist rag .Lefties long set up their own stuff on the www.
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:39:03
I’m sure most of us avoid tax in one way or another. I’m using 3 different salary sacrifice schemes, probably saves me hundreds in tax.
It’s only because the figures they’re talking about here are so huge that it’s of interest.
There may well be moral questions - but who can honestly say that they live their life without bending the odd rule.
I suspect most of the people who sit at the top of the piles of money have no idea where or how their money is actually protected or invested. For example - does everybody know how their pension pot is invested on their behalf?
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:39:03
Looks like BBC News and Panorama are really hyping this up.
It was actually an investment strategy.
From the BBC website
'The Duchy said it was not aware there were tax advantages to it from investing in offshore funds, adding that tax strategy was not a part of the estate's investment policy.'
"We operate a number of investments and a few of these are with overseas funds. All of our investments are fully audited and legitimate. The Queen voluntarily pays tax on any income she receives from the Duchy."
What is there to get angry about? If you have money, then you want to get a good return?
Queen's private estate invested offshore
Greg Hook
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:39:03
Just the usual suspect Guardian and BBC lefties, peddling their politics of envy clickbait to get the SJWs frothing in sanctimonious faux outrage. Judging by some of the reactions on here, it seems they got the reaction they wanted....
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:39:03
Who cares, really?
The super rich have always found ways and always will find ways of paying as little tax as possible. Being a keyboard warrior certainly won’t change it.
There are better things to be concerned about than this.
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:39:04
The government seems keen on vanishing 53 billion into the EU coffers for nothing in return, so this stuff is peanuts in comparison.
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:39:05
Nothing happened after the Panama Papers and nothing will happen after this.Panorama is basically a safety valve so the public get to feel the elite are accountable while they are entertained while the people involved carry on ****ing us over and make us believe they care.
Also interesting to note that every report of this leak by every foreign news source listed HSBC as one of the banks involved.All UK coverage scrubs HSBC from their reports.
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:39:05
Couple things that strike me.
1 - the media talking about the Queen being evil - as if she really has any clue how her money is being invested.
2 - that people are surprised that people try to get the best investment and pay as little tax as possible
3 - that those so quick to condemn would jump at the opportunity to legally improve their financial position.
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:39:06
Anybody who works for a large company with a pension scheme will have some of their money in these schemes through their pension's investments.The system makes us all complicit.