Jezza99 Publish time 26-11-2019 02:37:43

The criteria of used to determine that the Daily Mail is better or as good as the Guardian equally applies to all the broadsheets.

Do you confirm that you believe the Daily Mail is a better quality news paper and source of reliable information than all and any of the Broadsheets - like the FT and the Times for example ?


weaviemx5 Publish time 26-11-2019 02:37:44

No TB, it's more a desperation to try and prove via pedantry that you were not proved spectacularly wrong when trying to claim that the DM was an inferior journalistic product.

Unfortunately, you came unstuck.

Now please stop derailing my thread, get back on topic, or start your own thread on why the Guardian makes better toilet paper than the Mirror.

Thank you.

weaviemx5 Publish time 26-11-2019 02:37:44

Than the ft? Absolutely unequivocally.

weaviemx5 Publish time 26-11-2019 02:37:45

Back to the OP.What actually happened is that "Stop Funding Hate" posted a tweet suggesting that Paperchase shouldn't advertise in the Daily Mail (as anyone could have tweeted if they wanted to).Paperchase responded with their own tweet asking for their own customers' view.As a result of the feedback they received, they chose to pull their advertising and chose to apologise to their customers;

"It tweeted on Saturday: "After a torrid few weeks of divisive stories about trans people, is a Daily Mail promotion what customers want to see from @FromPaperchase?"

Paperchase responded a few hours later by asking for customers' views and received hundreds of replies on Twitter."

Of course, it sounds better to DM fans' frothing at the mouth about lefties to suggest that Paperchase were forced to change their advertising by a group of other lefties.

Jezza99 Publish time 26-11-2019 02:37:45

And who do you think those "hundreds" of replies were from? Real Paperchase customers, or nose ring wearing Corbynistas?

I doubt most of the twitter trolls could even afford to shop in Paperchase.

weaviemx5 Publish time 26-11-2019 02:37:45

That's assumption and guesswork on your part though isn't it?You could argue that about any social media response to a company.

Either way, Paperchase themselves asked the question and made their decision based on the responses.If you're unhappy about the Daily Mail losing their advertising revenue, take it up with them.

krish Publish time 26-11-2019 02:37:46

Whereas the knuckle-draggers on the other side are obviously tech-savvy upstanding members of

IronGiant Publish time 26-11-2019 02:37:47

I forgot to say, nice dig there.I assume you'll be defending The Sun next for their thorough and accurate reporting.

weaviemx5 Publish time 26-11-2019 02:37:48

So good he had to reply 3 times 

It was yourself making the assumption that Paperchase were receive tweets from their customers, I was merely pointing out that those tweets could have come from anywhere.

Knuckle-draggers?What a charming turn of phrase you have to describe the readers of Britain's second most popular newspaper. I would have thought such a description would be more apt for readers of "Stormfront", but I guess you can't tell the difference between OAPs and skinheads.

Dig? I have never posted any form of support for the Sun. Sensitive, much?

Jezza99 Publish time 26-11-2019 02:37:49

Again, back to the actual article you linked to in the first place (I assume you read it?);

Paperchase responded a few hours later by asking for customers' views and received hundreds of replies on Twitter.

Where did I say that Paperchase received tweets from their customers?I said that they asked for their customers' views (as per the article you linked) and acted on the responses.Valid deflection attempt though.

"..nose ring wearing Corbynistas?" - Charming.Have you manually surveyed everyone who voted for Labour about their personal appearance?I also thought the election was for the Labour Party itself, not Corbyn?

As for the Scum, maybe you'd just rather aim your digs at the 96 innocent people who died and were then lied about by the rag?I'm a human being so yes, am a little sensitive about it.Just to clarify my point, you chose to bring up the completely unrelated Sun newspaper in response to a comment from a poster that has an Everton flag as their avatar.You coupled this with your sly dig about it being, “popular in Liverpool I understand”.

I seem to remember you were last suspended for taking a pop at another members’ disabled child so at least you’re sticking to form.

Come on man, make some effort.
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