stanga Publish time 26-11-2019 02:36:44

OFSTED and Islamic 'schools'

It would seem some would like to recreate a teaching standard that's probably worse than that found in some backwater Pakistani village.

Illegal unregistered schools face prosecution - BBC News

Shock horror. Ofsted's work to "...promote British values is being undermined by the growth of these unregistered schools."

You don't say.

It's the same old story and at least Ofsted are recognising the problem. I think we need to remove the kid gloves with these peddlers of bigotry and hate.

krish Publish time 26-11-2019 02:36:44

Presumably there aren't girls in those schools if they're as extreme as it sounds, which then begs the question of whether or not the parents send their daughters to proper schools.

Whatever happened with those fairly secretive and unregistered Jewish schools in London, that the authorities knew about but did nothing to stop? (on a Panorama or Dispatches which covered all these dodgy establishments, two or three years ago iirc)

EDIT: investigated by BBC London this month ...

                                                              Looks like it was a C4's Dispatches programme from July 2014 that I was thinking of ...
C4 Dispatches questions the role of faith communities in schools - Channel 4 - Info - PressThousand boys disappear from school system

Trollslayer Publish time 26-11-2019 02:36:45

It has been made clear this is about ANY religious schools yet Islam is picked on yet again.
The whole subject on unregulated schools has been allowed to go on for decades.

Member 581642 Publish time 26-11-2019 02:36:46

Don't go spoiling the story with a look behind the headlines , no one wants that

Trollslayer Publish time 26-11-2019 02:36:46

Islamophobia makes it easy to not bother thinking.

Cliff Publish time 26-11-2019 02:36:46

To be fair the report said it would be investigating all such faith schools but the ones highlighted so far have been in Muslim areas..

While most of the places visited by Ofsted so far have been in Muslim communities, inspectors may also turn their attention to similar unregistered tuition centres operated by other groups.

"It will apply across the board, to any religious group whether Muslim group, Jewish group, or Christian group who wants to operate this sort of provision in unsafe accommodation, in unhygienic and filthy accommodation.

"It will apply to all religious groups, I want to make that absolutely clear," Sir Michael told the BBC.

And Labour education secretary Lucy Powell

"That this government appears to be content to allow children to remain in illegal schools where they are at risk of exposure to narrow curriculums, misogynist, homophobic and anti-Semitic material and staff who haven't been cleared to work with children, is truly shocking," she added.

Trollslayer Publish time 26-11-2019 02:36:46

I was referring to the title of the post.
Good quote, it includes the bit where Labour are blaming it on this government although it has been going on for decades. Such is politics.

thefragile Publish time 26-11-2019 02:36:46

Free school (England) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

By going on for "decades" are you thinking of the experimental free schools of the 1970's, which were quite different.

The anarchic experimental schools of the 1970s - BBC News

weaponx031277 Publish time 26-11-2019 02:36:47

Should be no role for Religion in any school these days. Faith schools should outlawed. If you want religion got to a place of worship not a school.

stanga Publish time 26-11-2019 02:36:47

So what are you saying? Give the subject a wide birth because Ofsted happened to choose so called Islamic schools?

All non-compliant faith schools need to be looked at. But taking a pragmatic approach, in a climate where resources are limited, I think seriously looking at Islamic schools given the problem we have with a radicalised youth should be the priority, don't you?
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