Trollslayer Publish time 26-11-2019 02:36:52

Quite a bit of my work in recent years has been analysis.
I take things (including situations) apart so my response is deliberate and monitor the situation to make sure I stay on track.
If you can't go in cold don't go in.

Cliff Publish time 26-11-2019 02:36:52

To be even handed that is the way the authorities will have to approach the problem.

However, do the other (Jewish, CofE RC Hindu and Buddhist schools) present a possible danger to the general public by nurturing extremism ( that could become Islamist) views?

If its a question of poor education and sanitation then the authorities can get on with their work and its hardly news.

I also believe that all schools should reflect our (that is British society) with dress codes and all the rest.I do not agree with a school in Britain being a carbon copy of a school, say, in Islamabad.

thefragile Publish time 26-11-2019 02:36:52

Yes. All faith schools present possible dangers to the general public by nurturing extremism.

All religion at its most extreme is violent.

krish Publish time 26-11-2019 02:36:52

The educational/welfare needs of the children seem to have been forgotten in recent posts, as if Ofsted is now a counter-terrorism agency.

The facts are that all these unregulated religious schools (mostly Islamic and Jewish) are highly detrimental and substandard, and need to be shut down.

Pecker Publish time 26-11-2019 02:36:53

I think any and all unregulated schools need to be shut down, and I don't think religion should be the only factor.

It's not difficult to imagine all sorts of non-religious indoctrination.

Would you want your child going to an unregulated school of any kind, irrespective of religion?

The point is, ensuring schools comply with regulated standards should be what OFSTED is all about.

Steve W

krish Publish time 26-11-2019 02:36:53

Not sure you'd find any non-religious unregulated school would you?
- they're set up by those offended by mainstream education, who perhaps don't wish their children to receive any sort of sex education, learn about evolution, have a grounding in modern social values and skills, or mix with the opposite sex

It's going to be a faith/sect/cult ... call it what you want, but it will be a strict doctrine/ideology

thefragile Publish time 26-11-2019 02:36:53

I imagine there's Steiner/Montessori free schools around, they'll be secular.

krish Publish time 26-11-2019 02:36:53

^^^ and they'll be legal regulated schools, on Ofsted's radar, ready to be shut down or placed into special measures

thefragile Publish time 26-11-2019 02:36:53

Steiner and Montessori schools?

Normally you make good posts, but that last comment is silly.

krish Publish time 26-11-2019 02:36:54

^^^ if they don't measure up .... as has happened with many free schools (being Steiner or Montessori is irrelevant)

My point was they're regulated, which is essentially not the topic under discusion

simmer down
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