Publish time 26-11-2019 02:35:32
I don't blame Blair per se, I don't think he was a bloodthirsty war mongerer, just desperation for Bush's approval blinded him in his actions. It was turning the country upside down that giftted ISIS their power afterwards though. Al qaida were never the same threat globally before that, despite 9/11 which was an horrific fluke in actually destroying the towers.
How do we combat it now though? Even if they're defeated in their own territories their ideology has been spread so far I fear these attacks will only escalate for many years to come.
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:35:32
Precisely the reason why we need to slam the door shut on so called refugees from these areas, until we can thoroughly vet them.
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:35:33
Blair was Bush's pussy boy and he also wanted financial gain from it all. Middle Eastern money is spreading the building of Mosques and giving refugee's the Islamic environment which holds up their interrogation should they even want to interrogate. I'd take a guess and say some Mosque's probably discourage the integration into British society and see it as Haram.
We need to get too it asap and get the catholic church to start building Churches in Islamic countries and states but i'am sure governments in those countries have a harder stance on bringing outside influences into their countries.
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:35:34
And pigs might fly
There is no reciprocity.... It is only we who get satisfaction by putting everyone on an even playing field.
These days, it is virtually impossible to promote Christianity in any Muslim country. Indeed many Christians who used to live quietly and peacefully in countries like Egypt, Pakistan, Nigeria, Syria and Iraq are persecuted and many are leaving.
Quite interesting that our press is rather quiet on this, but when it comes to Rohingya Muslims they really kick up a storm.
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:35:35
Shouldn't we be thoroughly vetting refugees anyway? Even then, I don't see how we could know what someone really holds as their own ideology. Wasn't one of the bombers only 15 when he arrived? It's quite possible there wouldn't be any security alarm bells ringing no matter how stringent the checking.
There's every probability that genuine refugees hold views of hatred against the west, and there's little we can do to stop that without an outright stop on taking refugees at all. Even then, there's hundreds, if not thousands, of extremists here by birth or migration that are even now plotting the next atrocity.
It's a bleak outlook no matter what we do, we're trying to bail out the boat with a sieve.
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:35:36
Which is why I would not let any refugees into the country under current circumstances.
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:35:37
Quilliam's Adam Deen ...
Are Saudi-Funded Mosques Really A Problem In The UK? | HuffPost UK
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:35:37
I haven't heard anyone in government saying this. I wonder why?
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:35:38
Trade? Oil? Arms? With free export of Wahhabism. So we maintain diplomatic relations and fly our flags at half mast when their latest tyrant croaks it, and across the pond POTUS touches glowing balls and performs sword dances.
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:35:39
The gov is scared to speak out against Islam. They already make a points about it after terrorist attacks defending the ideology. Same reason why the Muslim grooming gangs were kept hush hush.
I'd speculate that area's like Birmingham, Leeds, London will have many muslims on the local council so getting planning passed for new Mosque's or Islamic centers is a easier to get through. But that's the situation we have allowed ourselves to get into over the last 30 odd years.