Jezza99 Publish time 26-11-2019 02:35:05


rancidpunk Publish time 26-11-2019 02:35:05

Would you prefer your personal digs go unanswered poppet?

Ruperts slippers Publish time 26-11-2019 02:35:07

We studied the refugee problem last yr, personally I don't think there is a perfect solution, a sovereign government has a right to enforce border controls as-well as a duty to protect the law abiding citizens that live in that nation state. Whilst also agreeing to transnational ideals concerning those fleeing war zones, this is one of the problems of the EU zone in general, different countries treat refugees in different ways, some are quite liberal and some like the UK use criminal law to detain and block access to the country, yet despite this we still have terrorists causing mayhem.

However, it is quite obvious we have a war of attrition with both the as yet unnamed and hard to identify terrorist cells and certain members of our civic society who are persuaded by the empathetic arguments. Myself I think we need to tighten border controls and strengthen security in the places we go to in our daily business, until we can assess the situation, then we can arrive at a clearer strategy for dealing with the very real threats to our nationhood and public life.

mij Publish time 26-11-2019 02:35:07

Choices can carry some risk, but think of the good things that can come from refugees:Alec Issigonis designer of the Morris minor, the Mini & the Austin 1100, Michael Marks, the co joint founder of M&S.

Just two refugees that helped to make things that many consider as British as you can get, even Jesus was a refugee that had a quite an impact on this country.

Jezza99 Publish time 26-11-2019 02:35:08

Well, I'm not the one referring to others as "bigot" or "poppet". Perhaps you are just a tad oversensitive to anyone who disagrees with you, and find it easier to reach for an insult than an informed, intellectually coherent response.

Jezza99 Publish time 26-11-2019 02:35:09

Absolutely, and no one (despite the best efforts of the liberals to misrepresent as "bigotry") is saying that we should never take in any refugees, ever.

My point is that at this current time, when we do have such a problem with "home grown" Islamist (I didn't say Muslim, before anyone has a fit of the vapours)terrorists, is it sensible to take in a lot of fighting age young men from war zones in the middle east, where they may well have been exposed to the Islamist (not Muslim) ideology of ISIS etc?

To claim that "only" 20% of terror attacks in the UK are carried out by refugees, so that's alright then, seems to be astonishingly irresponsible, IMHO. It's a bit like saying "well, we've already got so many home grown terrorists, it won't hurt to let in a few more".

It is not bigotry, not racism, not xenophobia, not any other words on the virtue-signaller's bingo card, to say hang on, lets just put our safety first here and not allow people in who have the potential to cause us harm in the current political climate.

If that places me beyond the pale of the liberal mindset, then so be it. It would just bewelcome to hear a coherent argument of their position for a change , rather than the default lazy reaching for "you are just a blah blah blah ist".

rancidpunk Publish time 26-11-2019 02:35:10

I don't think anyone who considers poppet an insult could ever be taken seriously. Do you need reminding that you quoted me with a sly, uninformed, stupid, personal dig? If you don't like being called poppet then you really shouldn't start a discussion with personal attacks, it comes across as somewhat hypocritical, some might even say bigoted.

Besides, they're not insults; merely observations.

Jezza99 Publish time 26-11-2019 02:35:11

There you go again, getting all defensive

Ruperts slippers Publish time 26-11-2019 02:35:12

I get the feeling our security services are concentrating on protecting our current civil liberties and citizens, they're are not concerned that we might miss out of the next designer/founder of a car/store of which we have plenty. This material and civil society is why we are under attack, I cannot personally help that, at times of war misplaced abstract empathy or examples of what we might miss out on don't protect the nation. Sorry.

rancidpunk Publish time 26-11-2019 02:35:13

So, you would prefer your sly, personal digs to go unanswered then.
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