Conservative Party spending return for 2015 GE
This is pretty serious stuff. I'm sure most will be aware of this. Could cost the Tories several seats if the relevant Electoral Law has indeed been broken. The MP's involved if they are charged and found guilty would be barred from holding office for 3 years.Electoral Commission | Electoral Commission statement on allegations regarding Conservative Party spending return for 2015 General Election
Election expenses: Watchdog requests investigation extension
Police told to be prepared to prosecute dozens of Tory candidates
One to watch I think, might not amount to anything. But if it does, then it should make the post EU headaches for whoever is Tory leader that much harder. I believe this could potentially effect around 26 MP's. The Slim Majority could in theory go from slim to very slim to no majority at all pending court cases and byelections. I reckon all that will be smothered and forgotten during the political battles leading up to the EU referendum and will eventually disappear without trace. What, there is the possiblity they accidentally on purpose over spent, never.
Battlebus2015 rears its nasty head again and not forgetting the very sad suicide of Elliot Johnson who was involved with The Tatler Tory Martin Clarke the person behind battlebus 2015 and roadtrip 2015. Yep.
Who has won the General Election? The Electoral Commission has some pretty wide ranging powers to investigate this sort of thing, it's not usually denied extensions when investigating alleged misreporting of election spending and so on. They will likely get an extension, then we will likely not hear anything else until the Police and CPS are either ready to proceed with each case or the Electoral Commission will say there is insufficient evidence take matters further.
I thought it needed it's own thread, if things end up in court and if Candidates are found guilty of overspending then I suspect we shall need a byelection thread or in the very worst case a new General Election thread a bit sooner than expected. Though of course it's also true to say that nothing may come of this. Brillo questions Michael Green ...
Crick does his stuff (catches up with Green @ 2m:37s) ... The old "That wasn't part of my job description honest. I can't answer your questions, lets move onto erm attacking the Labour party" repeat. Warwickshire Police investigate alleged electoral fraud - BBC News
Alleged electoral fraud during the 2015 General Election is being investigated by Warwickshire Police.
The force said the investigation is in its early stages and has not released any more details.
But it said it is continuing to work with the National Police Chiefs' Council and the Electoral Commission.
It comes as eight other forces across England launched electoral fraud inquiries last week. Not a lot of details from the BBC in general (Andrew Neil seems to fighting a lone campaign at the BBC) aka there was that uncomfortable moment on this week when Andrew Neil asked about the emerging scandal, Sad Man on a Train and I used to be a Postal Worker but I don't want to be Labour Leader feigned ignorance about it.
Anyway Channel 4 News have been doing an excellent job on this, the BBC and others simply haven't done a lot of digging.
Election Expenses exposed
There's a faint whiff that Cameron might himself be implicated in this as the letters that were sent out and signed by him to various marginal constituencies might fall under local spending rather than national spending. But that's one for the Electoral Commission and Police to chase up to see if there is any merit to it. This could become a scandal that erupts into a constitutional crisis leading to an early Election. Or it might well fizzle out. If it's an ongoing police investigation I'd have thought the media can't say much.