Publish time 26-11-2019 02:26:18
Looks like the CPS is backtracking and trying to withdraw the arrest warrant. If this happens then the Spanish Police are at liberty to free the family.
But the authorities still have the problem that the boy was technically in the care of Social Services.
Apparently they are working on this as well.
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:26:19
Cliff - What part is speculation? This bit:
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:26:20
BBC News - Ashya King's parents to face no action, says CPS
In his letter, Mr Marsh said the arrest warrant was applied for to help in the search for Ashya.
"Our intent was to secure his safety not to deny him family support at this particularly challenging time in his life," he wrote.
"Irrespective of what has happened, it is our view that Ashya needs both medical treatment and for his parents to be at his side."
David Cameron agrees that Ashya's parents should be released.
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:26:21
BBC News - Ashya King's parents to face no action, says CPS
Ashya King's doctors signal U-turn over proton therapy - Telegraph
The British surgeons who have been caring for five-year-old Ashya King are now considering giving him the treatment his parents have been demanding.
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:26:22
So....can anyone actually tell me, had the parents actually told anyone (officially) in the hospital that they were intending to go straight out of the hospital onto the ferry straight to Spain because to me it looks pretty much like they just lifted the child out of hospital without telling anyone they're intentions.
Surely if they had done it properly all this nonsense would have been avoided!
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:26:23
If they had done that there might have been a court order preventing the child going anywhere. Taking your child out of hospital isn't illegal but once there is a court order it is.
Brain cancer patient Ashya back in hospital as parents are arrested in Spain - World - News - London Evening Standard
Explaining why the family had travelled to Spain, Mr King said his son's treatment in Southampton seemed like "trial and error" but he was told if he questioned it the hospital would seek an emergency protection order.
He said: "After that I realised I can't speak to the oncologist at all, because if I actually ask anything or give any doubt I wasn't in full accord with them, they were going to get a protection order which meant in his deepest, darkest hour I wouldn't be there to look after him, and neither would my wife - they would prevent us from entering the ward.
"That's such a cruel system I decided I to start looking at the proton beam myself."
He added: "We decided to try and sort it out ourselves but now we're refugees almost.
"We can't do anything. The police are after us. The things we want to do to raise the money to pay for the proton beam, they've prevented it now."
Mr King explained that the family had been intending to seek proton beam treatment for Ashya in the Czech Republic.
"Proton beam is so much better for children with brain cancer," he said. "It zones in on the area, whereby normal radiation passes right through his head and comes out the other side and destroys everything in his head.
"We pleaded with them (in Southampton) for proton beam treatment. They looked at me straight in the face and said with his cancer - which is called medulloblastoma - it would have no benefit whatsoever.
"I went straight back to my room and looked it up and the American sites and French sites and Switzerland sites where they have proton beam said the opposite, it would be very beneficial for him."
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:26:24
OK I admit I dressed up my commentary with some emotive words! But that is why we have forums otherwise it would just be boring!
Listening to the news and without adding any emotive, leveraged prose, here are the facts reported so far- regarding the differences between the parents and the hospital.
Ashya was in Southampton hospital and was receiving a various cancer treatments, radio/chemo
As the prognosis was that he had about 4 months to live, the parents were desperate to try Proton Beam therapy.
Hospital said Proton would not be effective, they didn't have it on the NHS, and would not recommend it or send him abroad for treatment.
Parents, wanted to take the boy abroad and pay privately. Hospital said no.
They suggested to the parents that they could get a court order to take the child into the protection of social services if they tried to remove the child during treatment.
(this is not speculation btw) Parents did go softly softly after this veiled threat, but purchased all the necessary feeding and battery chargers in readiness for the move to Spain. They made their move without warning and that is what triggered the man hunt.
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:26:25
Thanks Cliff.
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:26:26
Not wanting to derail the thread or pull attention away from this very sad case but proton beam is what I am having at the cost of £100k under the NHS for my very rare Chordoma cancer (not the same as Ashya's) just awaiting dates any day and we will be off to Jacksonville, Florida for 3 months....a week ago PBT was unknown now it's in the mainstream, can't be a bad thing!
Anyone wants to know more about PBT just ask as I consider myself an expert now! 
Read my blog here
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:26:27
parents now released.
Arrest warrant withdrawn