EarthRod Publish time 26-11-2019 02:26:03

Sky news were interviewing a specialist this afternoon and it would appear that proton beam therapy would not be of much use with the child's particular condition.

It would appear the proton beam is suitable for targeting specific cancer cells and not scattered cancer cells. Only suitable for about 1% of cancer patients.

la gran siete Publish time 26-11-2019 02:26:04

this might shed some light t Proton therapy is coming to the UK, but what does it mean for patients? - Cancer Research UK - Science blog

I do have a great deal of sympathy for the parents and feel they should not be criminalised

IronGiant Publish time 26-11-2019 02:26:05

Thanks for the link LGS. We still need to wait to get the facts.Empathising with JW parents before then may be premature. If Proton beam therapy is not appropriate in this case it rather changes things back the other way.

BomoLad Publish time 26-11-2019 02:26:06

I have sympathy for the parents who are obviously in a desperate situation. That said, and to answer the thread title - yes sometimes the state does know what's best for your children. I know this doesn't apply in this case but on the principle of 'parents know best', which I assume is the spirit behind the question, but imagine if a child was suffering from something and the parents refused treatment. Surely the state should have the right to intervene and overrule the parents and give treatment to that child.

As I say I'm not speaking necessarily about this case as I'm aware the circumstances are different but as a matter of principle I can think of plenty of times where the state/law should be able to over-rule or ignore parents wishes especially when it comes to medical care of a minor. Parents aren't given a divine right to control everything in the life of a child at the moment of conception. A parent cannot deny their child education as another example.

Again I know this doesn't relate to this case but I've never thought parents should be viewed as some infallible oracles when it comes to deciding things in relation to the welfare of their child. There are many areas where their beliefs and wishes need to be ignored in interest of the child's welfare and safety

pragmatic Publish time 26-11-2019 02:26:07

Agree, but this also applies to the state, its just people at the end of the day (or anytime of your choosing )

Cliff Publish time 26-11-2019 02:26:08

This really is turning into a farce with the authorities looking particularly stupid and heavy handed.
This morning the parents are in handcuffs and will be going through extradition proceedings.

Why are they still pursuing this? Why do they want the parents to return to the UK to have their wrists slapped? Why, when all along the authorities have said this is about what is best for the child are they leaving him alone in a Spanish hospital without his family?

la gran siete Publish time 26-11-2019 02:26:09

The police can't back down now. Having gone to the trouble of getting a European arrest warrant they don't want to lose face.

loz Publish time 26-11-2019 02:26:10

the one thingthe child needs at this difficult time apart, from the correct treatment, is emotional support from his parents

Pisto_Grih Publish time 26-11-2019 02:26:10

Yep. And so what do the authorities do? Take him away and put him in care.And we all know where that ends up...

Cliff Publish time 26-11-2019 02:26:11

Appearing in a spanish court, facing possible extradition back to the UK (or being held in Spanish custody if they refuse) and they haven't even broken any laws.

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