Publish time 26-11-2019 01:53:02
But as has already been shown, there have been pay rises on top of the normal increment rises plus pay rises when moving to the next band.
Your wife seems pretty unique that she was at the top of her band in 2009 and has not wanted to move into the next progression in her career.
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:53:02
Clearly not enough to recruit new staff and retain existing ones.
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:53:03
She's already performing the role she trained for and has been held at the band she is in.She has no desire to more into an administrative role and doesn't want to leave the profession as she actually wants to help people.Everyone is different, but simply stating that she's chosen to accept a freeze for the last 9 years is naïve.
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:53:03
It's not naive. I would suggest that expecting pay rises while already at the top of the available band for your job is naive.
If pay is important to her, she needs to take the next step in her career.
My wife has done exactly this. That your wife hasn't wanted to is a choice she has made.
And I still maintain that your wife seems pretty unique given that there have been a number of pay rises in nursing since 2010. She would have to be incredibly unlucky not to have got any of those.
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:53:03
If my wife is unique in her situation, why is there so much noise surrounding these pay rises now?If everyone is simply choosing to hold back their salary why are the Government even bothering to make a show of these rises?
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:53:03
My wife hasn’t had a pay increase, well not fully true, she has but her job changed.
I’m with Squiffy here, if you aren’t willing to take the next step but want to stay where you are, and are at the top of what can be paid, well then that is your own choice isn’t it?
In all my years I’ve only came across one organisation that did it differently. With no caps.And the Clinical Research Associate actually was on more than the General Manager. Heck my PA was on more than me. I quite liked that system as I fully support that not everyone should have to become a manager. But I think that they’ve scrapped it as well as it became simply unaffordable when you had really good people.
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:53:04
I think I’ve hogged the thread enough with a real world example so I’ll leave it to go back to the general disappointment felt by the majority of nursing staff across the country due to the way they are treated 
The Dude
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:53:05
Speaking as a self employed person, if inflation goes up 10% next month does that mean I've given myself a 10% paycut? 
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:53:06
Only if you choose to stay in the position you are and not increase your prices, or not take on extra work.
The Dude
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:53:07
Balls, I was worried that was going to be the answer. 