Public sector pay cap scrapped. Elections time?
Elections just around the corner it seems. Money trees everywhere now  It's a joke of a pay rise though.My wife is a Band 5 NHS staff nurse and hasn't had a pay rise since 2009.She's now been granted a tiny pay rise (approximately £70 a month for a full time employee) which she was supposed to receive this month, including back pay.However, in true NHS fashion, it's been pushed back again to August.The most ridiculous part is that when she said she was getting it back paid, I assumed she meant for a reasonable amount of time seeing as it's been capped for 9 years (I'm obviously a naïve Private sector employee), it actually means that it's back-paid to April this year...whoah, chill out with that money tree!If the NHS was a former terrorist organisation that could keep May in Number 10 she'd have paid it billions without even thinking about it.Talk about priorities eh. Agree but optimistic that with the number of nurses declining we will see substantial increases in their salaries even with this government. I agree on not seeing any increases but if there are less of them it would cost the Government less.I guess the NHS is a nice election bargaining chip, ("let's fund the NHS instead...) but the Government doesn't really give a toss about it or the people working for it in the long run. £70 per month? Hey that's good to have in the pocket  I'm a cup half full type of person  After 9 years of pay freeze  With staff shortages being in the risk register of most trusts things will change. In what way do you think?Staff shortages have been the case within the NHS for years but it appears to just get kicked down the road.I genuinely hope that the Government do some proper work towards improving the conditions within the NHS and aren't simply setting it up to fail bit by bit in the hope of bringing in more external suppliers. £70 a month extra aint too bad.
Different perceptions to Public/Private sector pay I guess!
Though, after 9 years of a pay freeze (I deem a pay freeze as the same net pay for 9 years - not some fancy, it's not quite keeping up with inflation deal), it might well feed inadequate.
No probs with Public sector pay deals being awarded but it should be concentrated at the bottom of the ladder.
Senior Doctors/Head Teachers etc etc pocket enough already.
As for elections soon.Hmm, maybe but not really sure.
Tories could give many PS workers 20% a year and most of them still wouldn't vote Blue. Can't see any other explanation for the timing of this announcement during a period when everything is Brexit focused. I would say too little too late.