Customs Union
The EU is proposing that the whole of the UK remains in the Customs Union (albeit it may be called something else) thus negating the need for a border in Northern Ireland. The backstop is that Northern Ireland remains in the Customs Union and the UK doesn't (creating a 'border in the Irish Sea'). Which do you support? I'm too confused...  obvious choice would be full CU, but what would we have to concede to get that? We would not be able to sign our own trade deals, and UK trade policy would be under the control of Brussels with no say here in the UK.As a short term thing, it's ok. But I'd rather WTO terms than accept it for the long term. Does it involve paying the EU tariffs on imports and a % of VAT ?
A £39 Bn leaving fee if we haven't really left ?
Is that what the EU meant by canada ,,so many pluses the UK remains in the customs union I do wonder whether it will be short term, or just the new norm.Perhaps this will be the status quo for the next decade before we go back to the polls and decide in or out...
...It is going to be interesting to watch anyway. I think the thinking is we'd stay in a customs union while trade deals and other issues are ironed out. Once all thats wrapped up we'll leave the customs union and transition to whatever deal is agreed to.
The DUP have threatened to vote down the Budget if the backstop crosses it's blood red lines. Which will either cause the collapse of the Government or May attempting to lead a minority Government.
Oh and Remain Tory MP's (30 or so) are said to be forming a group to rival the ERG and they'll vote down whatever agreement May attempts to put through Parliament if it risks damaging the Economy. It's time to buckle up as things might be about to get a bit wild.
We might not have a choice, if the US blocks us from joining the WTO Government Procurement Agreement ($2 trillion market) then that's a show stopper for trading under WTO rules. We'll find out next week how that one goes. If we are blocked (only takes one member to do so), we'll probably not get it sorted out before March 2019. When we fall out of the agreement as our membership of the EU ends. Not happy with the Yanks trying to take heavy financial advantage of us joining the WTO Government Procurement Agreement while in our current weak position.
Still, business is business. Actually Tereasa May will be telling her cabinet tomorrow to back her plan to keep the entire U.K. in the EU Customs Union as it is her suggestion, which the EU wants no time limit on as it’s part of his Irish Backstop crap, and everyone expects a deal with the EU based on this AND her Chequers plans to be agreed next week... because I haven’t heard of a single alternative to Chequers being discussed with the EU.
Then the traitor will attempt to pursued all rebel MPs on both sides to vote it through...
I don’t see the Tories being voted into power again for at least four general elections after this sell out.
Don’t forget this also means we will be under the ECJ control in trade also... Seems to be clear that the vast majority on here at this moment in time understand that Brexit means Brexit // But at what point do we rename it to Wetsit ?
(You heard it here first )