Supreme Court confirmation looking good.
Day 3 of the hearings and Kavanaughsailed through unscathed. Dems looking ever more daft after Corey Bookers email stunt though.Even before the story was mentioned inside the hearing room on Thursday, the New Jersey Democrat Cory Booker announced he would leak a confidential document containing Kavanaugh’s thoughts on racial profiling and noted that the potential penalty for doing so could be “ouster from the Senate”. John Cornyn, his Republican counterpart, responded with a dig at Booker, saying that “running for president is no excuse” for leaking information.
Dick Durbin, the number two Democrat in the Senate, immediately spoke in solidarity with Booker. “I completely agree with you. I concur with what you’re doing,” he said. “Let’s jump into the pit together. If there is going to be some retribution against the senator from New Jersey, count me in.” After his statement, Mazie Hirono of Hawaii announced she would release confidential documents as well.
So the great revelation in these emails from Mr Booker? - did they show Kavanaugh cheerleading racist tactics. Quite the opposite, actually.
The emails don’t show that Kavanaugh promoted racist anti-terror policies. The memos show the judge opposed using race or national origin for both basic law enforcement and airport security screening following the 9/11 attacks.
With quality like Cory Booker pushing to become the Democratic candadate in 2020 it looks like Trump doesnt have much to fear. 
Documents on Kavanaugh's hidden views 'being withheld from public'
Sen. Booker’s Kavanaugh email stunt is a total dud I only know about Kavanaugh what I've seen in reporting on the Supreme Court selection, so not a lot.What is it about him that makes you think he'll be a good choice? He doesn't seem to be a showman and is wary of the overreach of Agency power and government regulation.
Looks to be quite a sound pick With regards to overreach, one of the key points I've read about Kavanaugh is that he, appears to be, in favour of the President having overriding 'rule' over his agencies.If so, it could explain why Trump is pushing for him to be approved in the event of any future actions taken towards his Presidency.Of course, he's only one judge out of all of them but I guess everything helps? Seems to be taking a while to get this looking good confirmation through,did I miss something is it all done ? Dems getting desperate now. Having known about the allegations from Christine Ford since July they sat on them and only brought them up this week and Mrs Ford only came forward this weekend when the FBI decided not to get involved..
Dems call for delay of Kavanaugh vote after accuser comes forward - CNNPolitics So it is not looking good then ? Convincing account of alleged attempted rape of a 15 year old girl by Kavanaugh when he was 17. Sets the record straight about goings on over the last few months convincingly too.
California professor, writer of confidential Brett Kavanaugh letter, speaks out about her allegation of sexual assaultCertainly no laughing matter. Trumps man , should be expected really. well the numbers haven't changed - not sure this stunt is going to make a lot of difference tbh. Looking at this evenings news the Committee members are still split down party lines and Kavanaugh is still sailing on.