Publish time 26-11-2019 01:36:49
Just as another thing, if there is no death sentence than how about "life" actually meaning life.
Also the US:
The teenager sentenced to 241 years in prison
And ok maybe it isn't a deterrent, but at least the rest of us get a rest from them.
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:36:49
No ROI.Just general knowledge. Japan.HK.Singapore.Several of the Arab states (not all democratic but I didn't mention that).Then there's many of the Scandi nations but they don't necessarily have harsh;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7More of a case there that they're generally nicer people than our lot over here
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:36:49
Given a free vote, i'd vote for the death penalty.However, i'm equally fine with life meaning life.
As you say, gives the rest of us (which I believe many would want) a rest from them.
Common knowledge that a lot of crime is committed by a few (relatively speaking) bad seeds.
Lock em all up and the crime rate falls.
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:36:50
We talk about gangs but it is also individuals who carry knives and wouldn't think twice about using it, if you looked at them the wrong way!
There is a breakdown in good behaviour, and respect. Sorry to sound like I'm 120 years old, but if you see 'children' scratching graffiti on the window of a red buses, do you give them a dressing down? How many adults are prepared to tell them to stop? Not many these days because instead of the children listening to an adult, you are likely to get a mouthful of abuse or worse. How has this happened?
A lot of the problem is discipline or the lack of it.Not all countries, have followed our softly softly approach in schools and the difference is very noticable.
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:36:50
I've said before how the police force wastes money.
From the latest Private Eye.
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:36:50
Okay move to a dictatorship then .
Japan's figures can't be trusted, although culturally you could see why crime rates could be low. You could find many cases of foreigners going there to fight for justice for their loved ones who were murdered, yet the authorities initially swept it under the rug as natural causes ('heart failure') or suicide even when the body shows obvious signs of foul play. Coincidentally Japan has one of the highest 'suicide' rates in the world.
The whistle was blown on this by a former senior police officer, confirming what many other cops, doctors, pathologists had been expressing frustration about.
Sexual crime rates are high too along with the reluctance of law enforcement to take (female) victims seriously, a fact across much of Asia.
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:36:50
Coincidentally Japan is also one of the cleanest in the world. You'll barely find a bin and you won't find rubbish either. Little obesity, or chavs, and they are a polite people who queue for everything.
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:36:51
Your post jumps from one subject to another.
Starts off with something about classroom sizes, jumps to something about David Lammy, then jumps to seats on a train, finally ends on something about stabbings.
In all this jumbled rambling did you have a point to make?
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:36:51
Ok, let’s be generous and interpret it that way. Is it now being suggested these are all uninvestigated and unresolved murders?
It’s individuals who make the choice to kill, it’s their personal responsibility to not make that choice.
Just like sonic posted earlier, we hear it all the time “he is such a nice boy”. Yet they choose to not be nice to others. Nearly all killed, drug lords, human traffickers etc will be nice to some. Yet they choose to be super violent to others. They themselves make that choice.
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:36:51
"People being stabbed in London."