Publish time 26-11-2019 01:30:36
Maybe those box packers that lose their jobs to automation would object to it?I realise you work in IT, as do I, so maybe there's a different attitude to future careers but many people aren't able/interested in training to support automation.Are you suggesting that they should simply be replaced and the country should be happy about it?
As for the headlines, you must be one of the few people who don't see generalised demonization of 'migrants' in general in them.We're obviously not going to agree.
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:30:36
I had to funny that because of what skim links did to your post:simply be
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:30:36
Why wouldn't the country be happy about replacing low skilled jobs with higher paying ones?
We don't have a problem with unemployment now, and the idea is to reduce the supply of low skilled workers so we should continue to have low unemployment even as those jobs are replaced.
I cannot believe you actually think moving jobs up through the value chain is a bad thing.
Yes, I'm still going to continue to reject accusations that we are trying to demonise most EU migrants as working illegally or not working at all.
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:30:37
Well it is the logical consequence of the policy they support. Read up on your Karl Marx.
Greg Hook
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:30:37
You said that if you leave the EU and its unlimited labor supply, then Amazon would have to improve its T&C's to attract and keep staff in a more competitive market for labor (I note the non-British spelling) - your post is below.
So, if Amazon's T&C's are not great due to the unlimited supply of EU labour, then surely that applies across Amazon's warehouses in the whole of the EU, not just here in the UK.After all, the EU labour supply is the EU labour supply, due to freedom of movement.
So, wages for said amazon warehouse jobs in other EU countries should be as low or lower than in the UK.If they aren't then there must be something else at play to keep their T&C's better than the equivalent job in the UK, and not the supply of EU labour.
So I was wondering if you knew if the T&C's for amazon warehouse workers in other EU countries are worse or better than here.
I never said you claimed to know the answer, I was asking if you knew.
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:30:37
I’m talking about low skilled people, you’retalking about low skilled jobs. Yes, from a job market perspective, having higher skilled roles is good for the economy but from a people point of view, for every 10 low skilled workers you replace with an automated line and one person to maintain it, you’ve taken away 9 people’s source of income.
Listen, it’s Christmas Eve and as much as i’d love to continue arguing with you about whether or not people paint EU nationals as the ‘enemy’ (yes, I don’t have a link showing someone calling an EU National the ‘enemy’ but I hope you get the point), I’ve got better things to do so let’s just put a pin in it eh...Christmas truce? 
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:30:37
Blimey, I think I rather get a job in am Amazon warehouse than continue reading this thread. Remember its Christmas time, get drunk, eat too much food, and spend some time with your loved ones. Amazon deliveries will resume on Thursday, so think of those working on Wednesday to help us out 
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:30:38
No idea
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:30:38
Hilarious post.
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:30:38
Well I have heard Marx called many things but hilarious?.. 
Marx on The Reserve Army of Labor / Unemployed
For wages to stay at the subsistence level, Karl Marx held that workers must be in a weak bargaining position inrelation to their employers.A worker’s source of bargaining power is his or her ability to leave the employer and to go get a new job with someone else.To Marx, under capitalism, the weak bargaining position of the workers would be maintained by a large supply of unemployed workers.Workers would have to “obey” their employers because they would know that there were many other workers willing to take their jobs. And they could not quit their jobs because their chances of getting other jobs would be low.This supply of unemployed workers was called “the reserve army of the unemployed”.
By supporting FoM you ensure that you have the same effect (unlimited supply of labor) as a high unemployment rate. All the time that there is an unlimited supply of labor there is no incentive for the greedy capitalist pigs to raise wages.