Local election results
As expected the Conservatives are being punished for the Brexit mess. Labour are also doing very badly. John McDonnel was expecting gains of 400 or so, whereas they have already lost 77 seats!Spoilt ballot papers - with comments such as 'Brexit?' are doing well.
Overall the biggest winners have been he Lib Dems gaining over 300 seats.
However, although Sir Vince has been blowing is trumpet linking this to the country changing their mind over Brexit, he should be cautious. Many voters who want Brexit voted LibDems because the two main parties have let them down. A local Lib Dem councillor was the best option.
The EU elections are going to be a blood bath!
May and Corbyn take a battering over Brexit at local elections McDonnell's a buffoon. But I'll have some of whatever he was drinking when he said that!
Glad the two big parties took a beating. I wasn't even gonna vote, but went out late in the end for Green. Made no difference as our area is likely to be Labour forever, but no way I was voting for any of the others. Whilst I agree that the Lib Dems probably shouldn't get too excited, I'm not completely sure of the benefits behind pro-Brexit voters giving them their vote as a protest against Con/Labour.If I wanted Brexit in any form it wouldn't make sense, in a practical way at least, to vote out local councillors (corrected) for the parties that are still pushing for it.Whilst it maybe feel good temporarily as a protest, in the same way defacing your voting slip, you've just diluted their power further which means Brexit is even less likely to happen, or at least the Brexit you may want.
Arguably, once you get past the protest view, it would make more sense to keep the only parties still (supposedly) pushing for Brexit in a strong regional position. Last time I looked local councils don't have any seats in Parliament... ...although maybe Theresa May could be successful as a local councillor with a bit of luck? All roughly as expected.Listened to the radio this morning and spoilt ballot papers indeed doing well.
Tories probably not doing as bad as some predictions (-1000 Councillors).Labour not doing as good as some predictions.Yada Yada Yada.
Just wait till the Euro Elections 30% turnout here, apathy is the word.
This post from Facebook pretty much sums up the feeling round here Sorry, should have said councillor, not MP!I also meant that it gives the party strength as a whole but it's just a thought. I've not seen the official turnout figures yet. Anyone seen them? Looks as though it was about 30%, but as low as 20% in some areas.
Either way can't imagine they make for good reading.
Edit: Just checked my area, it was 28% I don’t care too much about national policy when having local elections. I just want the local councillor to be good for my area, and feel comfortable that they have the best local interests. I see no point in punishing good local candidates for the national mess.