Publish time 26-11-2019 01:17:22
Johnson's tweet deleted after 30 seconds, upon it being pointed out that local elections had not taken place in his Greater London constituency ...
Deleted tweet from Boris Johnson (Conservative)
Aides have since claimed he voted in the local elections near his second home in Thame. Yeah, chinny reckon!
Over by there
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:17:22
I would like to see a big cut off between London and local councils on party lines, more Edward and Tubbs. This morning we have Vince Cable running around claiming they are back, Corbyn blaming the Tory and Lib Dems when they were in power. No idea what May has said yet, probably it was a great win and all the votes are not yet counted and they blew the rest out the water.
Over by there
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:17:23
I'm sure May will want to make something clear...
The Dude
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:17:23
She is hiding in North Wales. We don't get any elections in Wales till 2021.
Vote tells MPs get on with Brexit says May
Local election message is to get on with it, she says.
Erm. Anyone pointed out She is in charge?
Cons continue to bomb out and the rest are steadying out on losses. -606 at the moment.
Edit before posting. 682 down.
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:17:24
Yeah same here, Liberals got 2 of my X's as they're the only councillors who've shown an interest in some ongoing local issues that are affecting my neighbourhood.
Vince Cable is deluded, if he thinks these results are anything to do with people changing their mind on brexit he's in for a shock on the 23rd.
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:17:25
Hardly any change in my area.Blue down a tad.Red up a tad.Rest irrelevant.
Turnout 34% as a whole (some as low as 26%, my own 35%).
Let's see what May 23rd brings.
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:17:25
Local message is for Christs sake, step down and let someone else get on with it
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:17:26
So far after 156 or 259 council voting results.
Both Conservative and Labour are doing very poorly and the Lib Dems are making huge gains. As far as I've read everywhere, this is due to a backlash against the handling of Brexit, implying that Tories want Brexit to have happened by now and Labour voters would probably want it stopped or 2nd vote.
So my question is- Why have UKIP lost so many places and not cleaned up all the disgruntled Tory voters?
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:17:27
Swing from Tory to LibDem control here   lost 23 of their 29 seats and gave 1 to the Greens and all the others to Lb Dem who now hold a bigger majority than the Tories did.
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:17:28
Mine was a choice by the way of Conservative, Labour, Libs, UKIP and Green.
Short of spoiling my paper, Green was the only option for me. They got trounced, but I think my area will be Labour forever anyway.
I agree with those talking about taking the personality of the candidate over party politics when it comes to local affairs.
The biggy will be on the 23rd. It's gonna be a bloodbath that makes Thrones' "Battle of the Bastards" look like an OAP tea party.