State vs Private Education
MOD COMMENT: moved fromFiona Onasanya thread
tapzilla2k said: Politics and Law tends to be dominated by those who've attended Eton and co, which distorts society - Britain’s private school problem: it’s time to talk Click to expand... Perhaps if the State system hadnt failed for the past 50 years then Private schooling wouldnt be so popular?. We had the comprehensive experiment and when that didnt work the answer is now to ban any alternative? There are several options to go through before you even get to the point of ending private schools i.e. charge VAT on fees, oversight from ofsted and end Charitable status which is nothing more than a tax break. As far as State Schools go ? They have been a Political football for decades where different policies are tried out without much concern on how they impact the children who experience those changes. Whereas Private Schools have been left alone to regulate themselves, with a few scandals unnoticed by most being shoved under the carpet. The most obvious being the physical and sexual abuse that went on in various private schools that offered boarding. So if you agree that State schooling is a political football disaster zone why would you want to shut down the one bit of the education system that actually works - surely your priority should be fixing what is broken not destroying the escape route. He doesn't, he never mentioned disaster zone, that was all down to you  The State System is a lot more robust and successful than you would apprently like it to be. Well it is Pacifico. Well so successful that the plan is to shut down the escape;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7 What escape route?Do you really think that Private Schooling is a viable proposition for everyone?Or the solution for those with special needs that the State System fails? He uses the TMAW technique. Of course it is not a viable proposition for everyone, but just because not everyone can access that doesn't mean that you should close of that escape route for those that can.
What is your solution for those who wish to escape from the State system It's not something I or my family have ever required, so I have no solution to offer you. What I do know is that it's way off topic for this thread, so please start a new one if you wish to discuss this further.
Edit: I'll do it for you...