Julian Assange seeks asylum in Ecuador embassy
What do you think of this Obama?  Julian Assange is a hero, who has exposed the war crimes of the united states.Real "tough" US "soldiers" in action below.YouTube - US Soldiers Murdering Innocent Civilians = Wikileaks Footage
Wikileaks' Julian Assange seeks asylum in Ecuador embassy
Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is seeking political asylum at Ecuador's London embassy, the country's foreign minister has said.
"Ecuador is studying and analysing the request," Foreign Minister Ricardo Patino told reporters in Quito.
BBC News - Wikileaks' Julian Assange seeks asylum in Ecuador embassy Click to expand... Julian Assange rape allegations: treatment of women 'unfair and absurd' | Media | The Guardian
Is this your kind of hero then? It's obvious those allegations are politically motivated. The women are most likely on the CIA payroll. It's also obvious that Julian Assange is an egomaniacal ******** who cares for nothing but his own image.
You have clearly fallen for the hype. Surely you've missed a golden opportunity to mis-quote Julian Assange's surname.......
 Wouldn't Obama more likely be registered on AVS Forums instead? You're better off asking his opinion there. You'll make a bunch of new friends, too.  Julian Assange has run out (literally) of options. Last resort for him is seeking 'political asylum' and cowering for cover in an Ecuadorian Embassy.
However, he is wanted for criminal charges - political asylum will not help.
Scraping the bottom of the barrel to see Assange as a hero. Krish has summed him up nicely.   Any truth in those Girl with the Dragon Tattoo books ?
It sounds very much like a way to discredit him. It's all happened since wiki leaks blew up yet no history of assaults prior to that ? Just an observation. What is the least severe form of rape in Sweden? I do wonder why they don't call it common assault until a case is proved. The accusation of rape is harmful to reputation even if it is unfounded. Is this Dan?