Cliff Publish time 26-11-2019 00:33:59

Syria- Is it time we re-assessed who we support?

It used to be clear. Government forces: bad. Forces for freedom: good.
It was even clearer when Assad used chemical weapons. We nearly went to war.

However, a lot has happened since then. The country has attracted a hotchpotch of young foreign Islamic fighters who are not necessarily fighting for the same end result. Many are from the UK and other western countries.What this is doing is wrecking Syria and creating human misery. Money from other mid east countries is just fueling the conflict.

Amongst local Syrians, there is now a groundswell against these foreign insurgents who are fighting a war in somebody else's country. They do not have to live in Syria. They are causing havoc on normal families just trying to get on with life (with no electricity, water, expensive food and cooking gas and frequent explosions).
Syrians that try to leave are not treated well in neighboring countries.

The government seems to be gaining ground now. Many Syrians (not expat Syrians) now believe the way forward is "with the devil they know", and not the so called freedom fighters.

We should also bear in mind the dangers to our own country when these guys return home full of religious fervor.

Is it time our government reassessed the UK's position?

johntheexpat Publish time 26-11-2019 00:34:00

I can't honestly say I support one side or the other.I would support any effort to stop the fighting and the killing, but that doesn't seem to be an option on the table.

(Last week the French news was saying that the secret services' best estimate was 285 French youth are actively participating in the violence.)

paulr Publish time 26-11-2019 00:34:01

I look bad with fondness on the Cold War. We had a billion nuclear missiles aimed at them, they had a billion aimed back at us. Stalemate. Nice and simple. Everyone knew the score.
Now it's just so complicated.

Solar Publish time 26-11-2019 00:34:02

That shows how ill-informed this nation still is about Syria.
Assad never used chemical weapons against his people, the BBC were caught lying about it.
Why do you think it was quickly forgotten about? if it had been real then every nation that could, would have stomped him.

We should stay out of it.

Cliff Publish time 26-11-2019 00:34:03

Interesting link! Not really surprised about the BBC although Lyse Doucet is usually OK.

I agree we should stay out in terms of our armed forces. But at the moment, we are are playing along with our friends in the middle east who are actively supporting the rebels.

What we should be looking at is how to get the country stable so its people can live normally again.
To do that we need to stop supporting the insurgents (by proxy) and start looking at talks with Assad and ways to help him rid the country of these extremists.

I am in no way making excuses for Assad, but he is the only person who can actually do this.

johntheexpat Publish time 26-11-2019 00:34:04

The link took me through to a google search.So I clicked on the first link.The friends of Syria.The page opened with a picture of Jacob Rothschild looking just like Monty Burns and some text that said his family is worth $500 trillion dollars and owns almost every central bank in the world. Well that's nice for him, but I couldn't find anything about BBC lies.

Just reporting what I got.

johntheexpat Publish time 26-11-2019 00:34:05


Cliff Publish time 26-11-2019 00:34:06

Link OK from my ISP

alan280170 Publish time 26-11-2019 00:34:07

Think he was taking the piss

johntheexpat Publish time 26-11-2019 00:34:08

No, I may have clicked too far, and must admit that at the moment I can't re-find it, but I'm only reporting back on what I saw.
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