Sonic67 Publish time 25-11-2019 22:16:16

EU getting involved with speed limiters, banning memes, British summer time.

Any bit of our lives they won't control?

krish Publish time 25-11-2019 22:16:16

And all I wanted was to find the facts underneath the politicking

krish Publish time 25-11-2019 22:16:17

didn't you just post this? ...

springtide Publish time 25-11-2019 22:16:17

This sounds exaggerated and I believe they are just talking about using GPS.

My SatNav already does this and it’s a severalyears old

Sonic67 Publish time 25-11-2019 22:16:18


Hence "getting involved with" rather than a clear statement.

It will cause chaos as there's a lot involved with it and to sort out exactly what is a meme.

What is Article 13? The EU's divisive new copyright plan explained | WIRED UK

But things aren’t quite that simple. No one can quite agree how these platforms are expected to identify and remove this content. An earlier version of the Directive referred to “proportionate content recognition technologies” which sounds an awful lot like it’s asking platform owners to use automated filters to scan every piece of uploaded content and stop anything that might violate copyright from being uploaded.

The reason why this article has been dubbed the “meme ban” is that no one is sure whether memes, which are often based on copyrighted images, will fall foul of these laws.

justincase Publish time 25-11-2019 22:16:19

Already on my new car,never turned it on though..

Can see why there was no agreements to making the speed limiter compulsory,the loss of revenue would be fairly hefty afaik

Over by there Publish time 25-11-2019 22:16:20

Posted in the other threads
ETSC welcomes provisional deal on new vehicle safety standards | ETSC
And this from that site. The horses mouth not a newspaper.
I thought that the EU had gone away from this. They haven't, it has been renamed. And there will be a black box fitted.

Radio news this AM says that if we are out, we will still follow this ruling.

They are using speed as a killer for the tag line for this, it is s divisive argument to push this through. I would rather frequent re testing and better training, people will get lazy and the system will still fail.

Best bit of kit for any car is probably a rusty 8" spike out the centre of the steering wheel.

Bl4ckGryph0n Publish time 25-11-2019 22:16:21

My previous three cars do it as well. And it’s a pain. A windscreen replacement requires a lot more work, cost and alignment of cameras etc. I’d rather buy one without it.

There is more and more control implemented across the board.

Greg Hook Publish time 25-11-2019 22:16:22

Oh no, features that might save lives. What are the EU trying to do? Monsters. 

Goooner Publish time 25-11-2019 22:16:23

Like I said, innocuous features in the name of safety, who could possibly object?

What's next though?

A bit like the whole RIPA thing, "we need it to protect people and stop those nasty terrorists" great idea, who could object to that?

Now used for life-threatening stuff, like councils checking if you put the wrong type of rubbish in the bin 

Does anyone trust politicians not to abuse anything? They certainly manage to abuse expenses 

Even if we trust the current lot, although why would we, after the mess they've made of Brexit, but who's to say what future governments will do with the little bit of power they've been given?
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