Publish time 25-11-2019 22:14:48
It's obvious what a "confirmatory vote" is.
Referendum V2 so we can give the right answer this time.
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:14:48
Confirmatory vote = pass the buck vote. Because the politicians in the Westminster bubble have no idea what to do.
Flummoxed vote would be a better description.
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:14:48
If it were a confirmatory vote it would be yes/no on Mays deal.
As soon as you have remain as an option you are just re-running the referendum.
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:14:49
That’s what I interpret how the confirmatory vote as described in the house of commons works.
But it seems a lot of people (including MPs) seem to think it will be the deal or remain.
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:14:49
The general voting public will not study the deal in any detail. We expect our MPs to have done that before they voted. If it was voted down by Parliament why put this deal as an option? It is obviously a bad deal.
As things stand Parliament has given us nothing to confirm....Unless its a;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:14:49
Not sure what you are saying.Where have I suggested that a deal that had been voted down would be put to the public vote.
From the start I have stated that my understanding of the confirmatory vote is that Parliament eventually decide something and then it is out to the people as “do you agree, yes or no”.
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:14:49
I wasn't contradicting your post, just talking through this confirmatory vote idea. Many have suggested that it should be a vote on May's deal or remain....
That to me is a stitch up.
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:14:49
Yes any deal or remain question would be biassed.A bit like:
Arranging a meal for the project team at work
Asks team whether they would prefer Indian or Chinese
Comes back narrowly in favour of Indian
Bugger, I wanted Chinese, I know what to do
Tells team that I havespoken to the Indian and they have a restricted menu that day
So asks them to confirm whether they would prefer Prawn Vindaloo or Chinese
Answer comes back Chinese - yay, I got what I wanted and it was all their decision, I gave them free choice
Over by there
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:14:50
"Confirmatory" - of what? TM's deal? Leaving the EU? Hasn't been decided yet. But the language implies that Parliament would expect the public to rubber-stamp ('confirm') whatever deal they proposed. I do think that for something as important as this an indicative or confirmatory vote is a sensible thing to do.
As to what the question would be, Parliament has voted against allowing us to leave the EU with No Deal (or on WTO Terms), so that's out. Thereafter I suppose it depends how they want the vote - or votes - to go.
Would they give us one vote with 3 or 4 choices? E.g. Deal X, Deal Y, Remain or None of the Above.
Or would they do it with two rounds: Round 1: Deal X or Deal Y. Then Round 2: Winning Deal vs Remain.
Or do it the other way round: Round 1: Remain vs 'A Deal'. Then: Deal X vs Deal Y.
Fact is, we don't have direct democracy, so no matter how often MPs talk about 'the will of the people', or how many referenda/votes we have, ultimately Parliament decides, not us.
One thing is abundantly clear though and that is that the MPs have acted in their own and their Parties' interests and not in the interest of the country. They should have set aside their ideologies and got together to sort this out a long time ago.
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:14:50
Rebranding the referendum. Marketing ploy and pass the buck. Let's face it, Labour are desperately trying to avoid being held accountable when the music stops and no chair left to sit on.
Peoples vote version x.x and we (Labour/momentum/Len) can blame the people.