Publish time 25-11-2019 22:12:20
You brought up the theoretical question of all Muslims looking like terrorists, I just asked your thoughts on Johnson’s actual blanket labelling of Muslim women?If you felt it was ok for him to write an article like that without being labelled as racist, but not for a joke tweet, I’m trying to understand the distinction?
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:12:21
I didn't bring that up, other than to contrast whether I was allowed to judge people based on their race or religion, giving an example. Clearly it would be racist to do so.
Unlike Johnson mocking a type of clothing in an article defending the rights of Muslims to wear what they want.
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:12:22
Wow, so now just from looking at an ordinary bloke and (what I assume) his missus, they look like BNP. WTF...
I'm really curious as to what a remainers looks like.
PS. I'm hoping people don't look at me and just discount me, make fun of me and class me as anI don't know say a Momentum Corbynite...Seriously I find this absolutely astonishing how there is such blatant stereotyping and association.
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:12:23
So you think it’s ok for Johnson to mock an article of clothing worn by Muslim women in a highly circulated article, but it’s racist for someone to make a joke about a specific pair of anti-EU supporters and the Brexit Party?
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:12:24
Boris mocked a type of clothing.
This tweet targeted a pair of individuals because they were white and made assumptions based on how they looked. I.e. the very definition of racism.
They are nothing like the same.
Would they have made the same tweet with a picture of a black couple? I've asked numerous times and it hasn't been answered.
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:12:25
Let's stay at this topic for a moment instead of switching and diverting to whataboutery...I find it absolutely fascinating the comment that are openly being made. I was expecting it from one person, who never apologised for it, but still gobsmacked to see this blatant prejudices based on someones looks from several on here. Wow, just wow...
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:12:26
What blatant prejudices?It's a joke/satirical tweet, based entirely on the situation presented by the couple actively living in Spain and travelling back to the UK to support the Brexit party.It's a joke that's been done many times before yet you seem to be suggesting it's some sort of Bernard Manning tribute 
I didn't bring up the question of Muslims looking like terrorists, I responded to Squiffy.
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:12:26
As per my post above, it's a joke, based entirely on the fact that they enjoy the benefits of EU membership but are actively supporting a campaign to revoke those benefits.It's a joke.
And I did answer your whataboutery question about what if the couple were black, maybe you missed it?
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:12:27
You didn't answer it.
Would they have done this tweet with a black couple?
And you still don't understand what whataboutery is, despite clearly doing it with your question on Johnson.
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:12:28
How else would you like to me answer your theoretical question?Maybe you should contact the person who tweeted the original image and ask them?
How else would you describe your, "would they have made this tweet if it was a black couple?" other than whataboutery?