European Elections - 23 May 19 - Who will you vote for?
Whilst there is significant uncertainty at present given where we are (or aren't) with Brexit, there is a possibility we will still be in the EU in May and thus have the right to vote in the European Elections.If so, who will you vote for and why? I feel I haven't been listened to by the elite, so I'll be voting for the 'I'd like to watch the earth burn' Party (UKIP/EDP/BNP) as I'm so desperate. For me, I think it will be a choice between the SNP and Lib Dems as I think it will be important to send representatives that will be constructive.The same could probably be said for most Conservatives and Labour MEPs but, as both parties are deeply divided at present, its a little more uncertain IMHO. In reality, I'll vote Conservative. I think it's important to send representatives that represent the UK and our feelings for the EU.Anyone who will tell the EU to get ****ed. Whichever party will cause the most disruption in the EU parliament. Depends if my Tory MEP is a leaver or remainer I suppose... I'm not going to vote as democracy is dead, or so I've heard and read?
Or perhaps it was that if I get to vote then democracy dies?
I think I'll wait and see what the Russian twitter and facebook bots recommend and follow that.They sure know how to tell me to stick it to the elites I don't care for so that the ones I do care for can get even richer and more elite. Has to be The Brexit Party because of this absolute mad man!! Here's the list of MEP's that currently represent my area  don't think it will change much
South East Region - 10 MEPs