Publish time 25-11-2019 21:50:40
People have forgotten as well how carefully stage managed Johnson needs to be.
The leadership contest was practically a done deal, yet he was still being babysat incase he put a foot wrong.
5 weeks on the campaign trail, that's gonna be some serious stress for his team 
Also if some of the rumours this weekend are to be believed, Labour might not be objecting to an election next week because Corbyn says so. But so they can buy as much time as possible to oust him.
That would be the smartest play they've made in 3 years. And would see an immediate poll boost.
Can't see it happening though. He needs to lose an election I think before there'll be any serious movement to start getting shut of him.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:50:41
35% is enough to win. Current polling.
And that's assuming we think polling is correct.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:50:41
That very much depends where the 35% is located.In 2017 Theresa May secured over 42% of the vote but failed to secure a Conservative majority.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:50:41
Possible reason for Johnson wanting a GE before Christmas. Afterwards the flu season would be in full flow and a bad one would expose weaknesses in the NHS.
The thing most worrying to ministers is a repeat of the winter of 2017-18 when a bad flu season in Australia was followed by a killer one in Britain, which saw deaths hit a 42-year peak after the flu jab failed to work in the majority of cases.
Because a winter crisis in the NHS would be menacing to the Tories’ electoral prospects it would be conversely advantageous for Labour. They would be armed with ammunition for their argument that the Conservatives have run down key public services. Labour people also think they would be able to move the national conversation off Brexit and on to a topic where the party is much more comfortable. The salience of the NHS as an issue with the voters typically rockets after Christmas, whether or not there is a flu epidemic.
Turkeys won’t vote for Christmas when the polls are telling them they’ll be stuffed | Andrew Rawnsley
Ruperts slippers
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:50:41
Which time line has she been stuck in, these areas are doing poorly because they haven't embraced change. Brass bands and banners. Self flagellation party. 
How can anyone vote for that self defeating ideology. I'm working class and have zero in common with that nonsense. Unite with us and our misery.
No thanks.