Greg Hook
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:50:33
What Boris needs to do here is just give Labour exactly what they want to get them to agree to a GE. Whatever it is, just say yes.
Then have the GE, Labour do terribly, Tories get a decent majority and he can then get his deal agreed by Parliament.
He needs to call Corbyn's bluff. I bet that if BoJo confirmed no deal off the table, Corbyn would find some other excuse to not have a GE.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:50:33
Those Labour MPs defying the whip are looking to stop Brexit?
With regards to the next bit wouldn’t it make more sense to keep rights as they are, get the bill through, and if they want to make changes put it on a manifesto, if they then get a majority they are free to implement them?
I agree a large part of the labour plp want to frustrate the process but all my comments in this thread at least, have related to the labour MPs who want Brexit, whether that’s due to belief or the make up of their constituency
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:50:33
But they do remain the same - this is not the final agreement, it is simply a transition arrangement whilst we negotiate the final agreement.
How many Labour MP' actually want Brexit though - even those that voted for the 2nd reading of the WA are now saying that they only did that because they want toamend the agreement into something else (a CU or a another referendum etc. etc.)
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:50:34
If it doesn’t matter then Just concede to get these MPs on board. Not sure if you are aware how this came about? Bulk of the WA has been taken from Mays WA. The paragraphs have been edited, this was a conscious move, not typo. MPs are questioning why this took place.
From the list enough are genuineto get it through imo, if not it gets pulled.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:50:34
I didnt say it didnt matter - I said nothing would change until we have negotiated the final leaving agreement.
If Parliament allows an election then we could have Labour negotiating that agreement that would lock us in to the CU, the SM, the level playing field, the EU Army whatever - just as long as the people vote for that. 
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:50:34
Ha ha, labour have no chance, fascinating watching it all play out.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:50:34
Without the WA passed, there is nothing to say that the Tory's will gain a majority.
I can see a scenario where the BP eat into the Tory vote, and the Opposition do deals left right and centre to take marginal seats.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:50:34
so what are they so frightened of?
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:50:35
Why do people keep asking this question? - it's been answered over and over again.
As soon as the EU come back with a date for the extension, I suspect a GE will be on the cards.
Until that point, nobody trusted (for good reason) Boris not to just let us slip out with No Deal.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:50:35
Bizarre that it keeps getting asked. Very simple to understand.
Then if Corbyn still refuses, it's perfectly reasonable then to ask the question.