Get your instruments out for the lads!
Will post mine once i can be bothered to find my SD card. Here's my Roland TD-20's and SPD-S sampler (that has now been moved to a better position at the side) .php?image=
Will get pics of my keyboard up asap. I will not show my complete setup yet as I am awaiting the arrival of a few items, namely a new controller keyboard and monitors. However, this is my treasured possession
/proxy.php?image= Pics of my two kits and some of my snares here;
And my latest toy - a super rare (left handed!!!) ESP Explorer - ala James Hetfield styleeee! Do you feel comfortable playing an x-plorer sitting down as I'm in quite a few minds to which guitar i should get next. This is my current setup though not for long because I've got some new bits coming and I'm not quite sure how to fit it all in. 
/proxy.php?image= Pic dont work
Edit: Yes it does. Sorry.
Virus star of the show for me. I've often thought about shelling out for the Polar Ti. But it's a very heavy investment. cant be sure it warrants it atm. Apols, just getting hang of it.
It's a nice unit for sure, but the Minimax really does dominate it in the soundstage IMHO. But I think that's to do with my taste in music, which is very much 70's Tangerine Dream influenced.
The Sequentix sequencer is many people's star though. Less than 200 made and going for twice the original value on ebay. I'm only scraping the surface of its capability. Gimme!!!
I will collect in person  Minimax is soft synth right?