Publish time 25-11-2019 04:43:06
Well this weekend I should be wrapping up the Walking Dead and start an epic pile of X-Books. I'll be skipping over a large portion of the older stuff but if anything springs to mind that is missing from this list please holler ! The following is in reading order:
X-Cutioners Song
Age of Apocalypse 1, 2, 3 & 4
Astonishing X-Men (Joss Whedon) 1, 2, 3 & 4
New X-Men (Claremont) 1, 2, 3, 4
Ultimate X-Men Ultimate editions 1, 2, 3 & 4
X-Men Deadly Genesis
Might have to break up some of the reading of that lot with The Boys incase I OD on X-Men.
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:43:07
Good list...  Off the top of my head, I see Dark Phoenix Saga missing. I've also heard that Age of Apocalypse 1 is a bunch of prequel stuff that while chronologically set before the events of AOA, was actually written/released after the effect, and may spoil certain surprises that occur later...
House of M is also worth a gander - will help transition to a lot of the newer X Men stuff, since it has a profound effect on mutantkind...
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:43:08
Thanks for that. I will definitely do my homework then for the correct reading order for AOA. I might go buy Dark Phoenix now as I think that would fall before X-Cutioners Song. Gives me something to read on the way home as I finished the Walking Dead 10 on the way in !
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:43:08
Trying to justify buying the four HC Absolute Sandmans.
Busy plowing through the Walking Dead Compendium V1. (1-48) Brilliant comic, huge book. 
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:43:09
I nearly bought the Compendiums but in the end I decided I needed something I could easily carry on the trains so the TPBs did me proud. Can't wait for book 12 of the Walking Dead to be released, should be a couple of weeks.
I was looking after my son for the first time alone on saturday while his mum was on a hen weekend. He needs to have 30min naps every couple of hours so I made sure I always had a book at arms reach if he drifted off while laying on me. Managed to finish X-Men X-Cutioners song over the course of the two days. Thoroughly enjoyed it and considering I have a massive stack of X Books I am really chuffed I made the jump back into X-Men after about 15 years of not reading a book. X-Cutioners song is all out action from start to finish which I normally wouldn't enjoy but the story is handled really well and the art is literally out of this world detailed and OTT. Rather then jump straight in Age of Apocalypse I picked up Garth Ennis' The Boys. Theres a cool little intro by Simon Pegg and I'm really enjoying the story so far.
Theydon Bois
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:43:09
The Boys is excellent - make sure your boy does not get hold of it though, 18material with sex and violence. 
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:43:10
lol, yeah. I had to rush through a couple of pages on the train due to "adult" content  I get plenty of condescending looks when people see me reading my books anyway but I don't want to give anyone too much of a shock that early in the morning 
Wes is 4 months old so I am not going to worry too much yet. That said, he did roll over for the first time on Monday.......Crawling might not be to far off :image/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:43:11
Having bought a couple of Graphic Novels over the past couple of months (Wanted, Kick Ass, Watchmen, Serenity, Batman Year One) this thread has encouraged me to look at a couple of others.
The ones that really take my fancy at the moment are Y: The Last Man and DMZ - can anyone advise the best place to buy them online (Amazon doesn't have Y in stock)?
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:43:12
Y The Last Man: Volume 1: Unmanned @ Forbidden Planet
Might take a little while for delivery though, they're pretty weak at it. Might be worth trying to find your nearest store and enquiring.
edit: alternatively, try The Book Depository - my brother orders a lot of his graphic novels from them, and seems quite happy.
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:43:12
If you track down a copy of Volume 1 then I have a cheap copy of volume 2 advertised in the classifieds thats not shifted (its always a bit random trying to sell odd volumes of books). So feel free to PM me or reply to thread if interested nearer the time.
There is always eBay 