NewMan Publish time 25-11-2019 04:43:02

I'd actually recommend anyone to consider picking up the Ultimate Spider-Man graphic novels (but buy the individual ones, not the "Collected" editions).

The writing is witty and funny, with lots of fast-paced action whilst simultaneously dealing with "realistic" issues you don't usually see in superhero comics (such as the Spider-Man costume being torn in a fight with Green Goblin, or whoever, and Peter trying to get hold of a new one!  Highly amusing!). It also deals more with Peter Parker trying to juggle high school, a girlfriend, his aunt and his duty as Spider-Man, sometimes failing miserably.

There's about 22 novels in the series so far, but as far as I'm concerned, they're worth every penny...

Hillskill Publish time 25-11-2019 04:43:02

I think I'm going to either stay out of these threads or sell a kidney to fund everything 

NewMan Publish time 25-11-2019 04:43:02

You can survive on one kidney. One lung too. 

Curse this thread. I've just bought Batman: Hush and Batman: Arkham Asylum, and Aliens Omnibus volumes 1, 2 & 3... No idea how the Aliens ones will turn out, but I remember reading a few when I was younger, and enjoying them...

Hillskill Publish time 25-11-2019 04:43:02

Was at a loose end yesterday so I went into Forbidden Planet looking for an impulse buy to read on the way home. Nearly went with Greek Street which is brand new out. I work in Soho so there was a definitely appeal just to see what it was all about. In the end I went for Vol 1 of Ex-Machina. I'm on a real hot streak with my books, everything so far has been excellent. This didn't disappoint either //

Solomon Grundy Publish time 25-11-2019 04:43:03

I enjoyed Cairo, it was quite funny and an interesting story too.


NewMan Publish time 25-11-2019 04:43:03

Just looked up Ex-Machina, sounds good. Might pick up a copy when I'm next in the office... Amazon etc seem to be sold out...

dazza1011 Publish time 25-11-2019 04:43:03

you could also go for the Avengers disassembled / New Avengers Arcs also Thor is now back the first couple of issues were written by [-]Michael J Strztnykizzxzxzxxis[/-] that bloke who did Babylon 5.

i should also mention that anything by Alan Moore is always worth the cash.

And can i also heartliy recommend ' Turf ' by Jonathon Ross it looks as though it could shape up to be a very good read.

Hillskill Publish time 25-11-2019 04:43:03

I'm really intrigued about Turf. Some Americans were talking about it over on CBR who of course have no idea who Jonathan Ross is so have read it without any of preconceived notions or expectations. They were all in agreement that its was very dialogue heavy. Not a reason to be put off for me personally but I know some aren't keen.

Paddyman Publish time 25-11-2019 04:43:04

Some great suggestions! It looks like I'll have to sell two kidneys to fund everything and read avidly while on dialysis.
I've startedUltimate Spiderman, read Kick Ass, most of the Walking Dead and am stocking up on Sin City and Frank Millar's Batman.
Any further suggestions? Thanks in advance!

NewMan Publish time 25-11-2019 04:43:05

The early Spawn stuff was pretty good - not sure about the later ones as I stopped collecting for about 15 years (and still don't technically collect comics, just pick up some summer stories when they seem interesting, like Messiah Complex).
So, might be worth picking up the Spawn Collections (or Spawn: Origins, as I think they're called in their most recent incarnation) - only downside is that due to an ongoing legal argument between Todd McFarlane and Neil Gaiman, you don't get issue #9 (first appearance of Angela) or issue #10 (due to copyright issues as a result of an appearance by Cerebus), which is a real shame to fans as they were two very good issues.

Also, if anyone has bought Civil War - you might be interested in reading Avengers: The Initiative, which I think spans about 5 graphic novels.

Enjoy your dialysis, y'all! 
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